Greg, how did you get your hands on some malting barley seed? I note you're in the Bathust area - are there seed suppliers nearby or did you have direct farming contact?
Man I grew the best premium wheat ever this year. Just waiting for it to finish ripening so I can get in with the header.
You'll have to wait until next May if you are planning on sowing some cereal for malting. If you sow now, even with irrigation it will turn out shi..........
Man I grew the best premium wheat ever this year. Just waiting for it to finish ripening so I can get in with the header.
You'll have to wait until next May if you are planning on sowing some cereal for malting. If you sow now, even with irrigation it will turn out shi..........
Hoppy, which grade of wheat is used for malting.
Hoppy, which grade of wheat is used for malting.
Anyone out there tried to grow and malt their own barley in a backyard or a small property?
Looks like commercial barley growers get something like 1000kg per hectare so I figure I'd need about 100 sqr m to get about 10kg (enough for say 2 x 20L brews).
The malting sounds a bit more difficult at home - with only a domestic oven.
Anyone tried????
Here's the current prices for 1st grade schooner malt barley. Maybe get a truck load and do a bulk buy?
schooner malt price
Ha Ha, yes that would be very cheap, but you would need a big truck.
I think it means Metric Tonnes.