Funky Wit Beer, Lambic?

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Mashed and cubed a belgian wit recently, but made the mistake of putting in un-pasteurised orange zest.
The net result being i lost 9 litres, due to it self fermenting and leaking from the cube, it probly hit 32*c during this phase.
Took a gravity reading and had dropped from 1.057 to 1.052 during this stage (4 weeks), so i added 200g dextrose and pitched some 3944.
My second fridge can't hold anything cold whilst hooked up to the temp. controller and primary fridge @ 19, so a nice??? constant 24*c.
Been reading a bit about lambic's recently, comments about tasting like wit beer, and personally consider sour very refreshing.
Anybody got any thoughts re this, time and space are not an issue, let it run its course and see what happens?
If time and space are not an issue as you say then I reckon there is your answer. Better than throwing it out at this stage for sure.
Hi guys
if anyone cares, an update on the original post.
Added; dried morello cherries and fresh cherries that i had frozen, back in december '11.
It's been sitting in the bathroom (concrete slab, no external windows) for the the last 8 months, and has a thick white pelicle across the top now.
All sourness has disappeared from the flavour, and has been replaced with a very funky complex flavour.
I plan to leave it for another couple of months (mid september) before i even bother looking at it again (if i remember i might top up the airlock, but....)
Unsure what to do at that stage, but something might actually occur to me in the meantime :rolleyes:

Bottle it up and add your name to the funky 2012 case swap!