Fruit Beer

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I have done a simple K&K lager using the Wyeast Lager Blend Yeast.

I wanted to try adding fruit to it and have put in 300 grams of Blueberries to 20 liters of wort.

What i wanted to know is that enough or to much or is it a case of suck it and see for personal taste. I would have put more in but blueberries are not that cheap and i want to see how it turns out before going to far.


Hey T.K. was that in primary or did u rack onto the Blueberries.?
I racked onto the blueberrie just two days ago and now its in me fridge at almost zero :p
I think you'd better take that back to fermenting temperature Arsene. You need to let the yeast have a go at the sugars in the fruit. Apparently blueberries don't give too much of a flavour to the beer, which is a bloody shame considering how nice they are and the price they usually are. Randy Mosher recommends using 2.5kg or more for a batch! Anyway, it's good to experiment. Love to know how it went. But let it get back to fermenation temp, give it a week, then rack off them and cc then.

You wont get much if any flavour from 300g especially if kept at 0 degrees. But your right blueberries are expensive especially if fresh, i use the frozen packs when doing fruit beers as it works out too exy to buy 2.5kg of fresh produce.
arsenewenger said:
Howdy All

I have done a simple K&K lager using the Wyeast Lager Blend Yeast.

I wanted to try adding fruit to it and have put in 300 grams of Blueberries to 20 liters of wort.

What i wanted to know is that enough or to much or is it a case of suck it and see for personal taste. I would have put more in but blueberries are not that cheap and i want to see how it turns out before going to far.



Always better to start with a little and add more if it needs it. Its much harder to remove some if you add too much :)

I'm just doing a rasberry wit that used 75g/l and the flavour is pretty good.

Frozen berries are much better for this than the fresh as the freezing ruptures the cells and causes them to give off more juice. I buy them from a local wholesaler in 1 or 10 kg boxes.


I have a Wit fermenting and would like to add cherries [frozen, I got them for "the right price"] when I rack it to 2ndry, my question is how much do I need and what process have others used?
Basic Brewing Radio just did a podcast on fruitbeers with Randy Mosher. IIRC Randy suggested 2lbs of fruit per gallon and leave on the fruit for a few weeks.

I have never done a fruit beer myself and so have NFI really. So go the podcast for tips.

2 pounds per gallon?! Are they trying to bottle and regrow the fruit? lol

I used 1kg of frozen raspberries in my last fruit beer. Batch size was around 20-21L I think. Definitely not overly strong on the raspberries, but you can definitely taste them.

I guess cherries might not be as strong flavoured at raspberries, i think 2kg at max? Otherwise you'll be making cherry ripes.

I fed my frozen fruit into a boiled, sanitised stocking and fed it into my cube and CCd for a couple of weeks.
Mosher says in Radical Brewing, 1-4 pounds/gallon cherries (roughly 2.5-10kg for a standard 23L batch), raspberries only 0.25-3 pounds/gallon (600g-7.5kg :blink: ).

I haven't done cherries sorry Bindi, but used 500g raspberries in a 10L batch so about the same as Adamt and it came out noticeable but not too strong IMO.
Thanks for that link roach, bookmarked that page.
They do 'waffle-on' before they get to the subject though.

OK, I will try 1.5kg of cherries for 22L, thanks for the advice Stuster and Adamt.
only 0.25-3 pounds/gallon (600g-7.5kg :blink: ).
Stuart, where did you learn your conversions? B) or did you just stuff up the ratios?
Isn't there 2.2 pounds in 1 kg?
Therefore, 3 pounds would only be 1.36kg / gallon.

So in a 5G batch that would = 6.8kg....... which is a lot of fruit. :eek:

I haven't tried making a fruit beer yet, so cannot provide anything extra. I do have an ESB freshie about to be put down, so I can't wait to try that in a few months.

Beers :beer:

Just doing a rough n ready, crozdog. I was just putting the amount for a 23L batch (as per the cherries). That's about 6 gallons, so 682g - 8.1818kg. :lol:

Bindi, the Brewing Network also did fruit beers, link here. It's the Jamil show, so (relatively) little waffle. (But some ahhhh ummmm ahhhhing.)
I had a banana beer the other night, Mongozo I think it was called. It was really very tasty :blink:
i combined 750gm of mango pulp with a Bavarian Kit and some spec grains, S-04 x2.

very nice after a couple of months in the bottle.

Thanks for that link roach, bookmarked that page.
They do 'waffle-on' before they get to the subject though.

OK, I will try 1.5kg of cherries for 22L, thanks for the advice Stuster and Adamt.

Ok I did not use the frozen cherries but used 3 x 700ml jars of Morello cherries in syrup the other day, I see the posts on Kriek recipes Here in Wortgames post says, to quote him "Morello cherries are surprisingly cheap in jars - check your local supermarkets, but I can usually find them for about $3 for a big jar. Not too many added surprises either, a tiny bit of sugar and that's it." end quote
I did this the other day before I saw his post, I was walking around the supermarket and spotted them and thought "what the hell, toss some in and see", the sample I tried today is tart and sweet at the same time, the Wyeast 3787 Trappist is really getting into it now in 2ndry.
It was going to be a Wit base but I had a 1.5L starter of 3787 going so again "what the hell" could be a winner with the orange peel and coriander I had in it for the Wit, what a mix.

I'm about to brew a blackberry heffe - 2kg of frozen blackberries being delivered here from the wholesalers today...

cheers Ross

I'm about to brew a blackberry heffe - 2kg of frozen blackberries being delivered here from the wholesalers today...

cheers Ross

Sounds great Ross :) Ok how much were the blackberries how long before it's on tap? I will make sure I need some grain about that time. :p

A Hefe with fruit, what yeast? ;)
Sounds great Ross :) Ok how much were the blackberries how long before it's on tap? I will make sure I need some grain about that time. :p

A Hefe with fruit, what yeast? ;)

WLP 300 - 2kg of fruit ($10/kg) added at end of primary ferment for a 23L batch. Should be in the keg in approx 3 weeks as I'm waiting on BB wheat delivery early next week before I can brew.

Cheers Ross