Forgot To Take Final Gravity!

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Hey guys,

Still a noob making noob errors with my brew.

Bulk primed my brew with 160g white sugar and then realised I didn't take the FG down. Did it anyway and it read 1014.

18.5L wort.

165g sugar in 500ml water.

What do you reckon my actual final gravity was meant to be?
Hey guys,

Still a noob making noob errors with my brew.

Bulk primed my brew with 160g white sugar and then realised I didn't take the FG down. Did it anyway and it read 1014.

18.5L wort.

165g sugar in 500ml water.

What do you reckon my actual final gravity was meant to be?

165g in 18.5L = aprroximately 0.8brix

which would probably equate to an increased S.G. of about 0.003

so your final gravity would probably have been about 1.011
Thanks heaps.

Just in case I noob it up again in the future, how did you come to that conclusion?

My favourite part of brewing is learning the science and maths behind it (obviously other than drinking it)... So this intrigues me.
Thanks heaps.

Just in case I noob it up again in the future, how did you come to that conclusion?

My favourite part of brewing is learning the science and maths behind it (obviously other than drinking it)... So this intrigues me.

Well I like to work with brix (AKA plato) in my calculation as it is an absolute figure based on how many grams of sucrose is in the solution. So 1 brix is equal to 1g per 100g solution (100ml of water/beer/juice).

If you added 165g sucrose to 18.5 litres that is 0.89g per 100ml (so I guess it would be 0.9 brix)

You then go to a conversion calculator and work out that 0.9 brix is 1.003 S.G.

So you have increased your S.G by that amount.

Thats how I would have figured it out anyway. I could be wrong of course
that's a good way to work it out. the rule of thumb is that priming increases your gravity by .002/3, so you're spot on
160-165g of priming sugar will give a high level of carbonation watch out for a gusher or two.