my first brew (which i have all but finished - went like this -
morgans pils straight out of the box of complete brew kit with a hydrometer thrown in (for free, apparently). used kit pack yeast at about 33 degrees (learning curve). fermented 5 days, used finings, most of the dumb things
after bottling, at :
18 mins old - tasted like goats piss
35 mins old - no change
1 week - no change
2weeks - improvement - tasted like cats piss
3 weeks - no change
5 weeks - improvement - tasted like my piss
6 weeks - improvement - tasted like the wife's piss
8 weeks - improvement - tasted like the neighbour's wife's piss
9 weeks - improvement - tasted like beer if i sat on the roof and sang 'balabalabalabala' while wearing nosepeg and expensive sunglasses.
but yeah - it does improve immensely, relative to initial taste. i've got 2 stubbies left - one to try at each of 5 and 6 months to see how they travel.
my 2nd batch were a LOT better
pitched at 26 degrees, fermented 13 days, etc etc.
even the wife thought the 2ndbatch was pretty good at 5 weeks