First Ag This Weekend

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Photos are great.. the burner shot is desktop pic if ever I have seen one!!

Ferment and enjoy! Well done lads!

Easy eh...
Well its 12 hours later, and the airlock isnt bubbling yet.... we pitched a dry yeast, didnt bother making a starter out of it (we will in future, we just wanted to get the job done). Its a hot start-cool ferment yeast and we got it in the fermenter fridge at 23 degrees.
Should we re-pitch?
Well its 12 hours later, and the airlock isnt bubbling yet.... we pitched a dry yeast, didnt bother making a starter out of it (we will in future, we just wanted to get the job done). Its a hot start-cool ferment yeast and we got it in the fermenter fridge at 23 degrees.
Should we re-pitch?

Don't worry about the airlock... very unreliable indicator of fermentation. Is there any condensation on the lid or any appearance of foam starting to form? These would indicate fermentation was starting up. Another test would be to take a hydrometer sample and see if there has been any change from the OG.

If you don't see any of these, I would give it a bit longer and see if any of those signs appear (within another 12 hours).

Given you are using a fermentation fridge - I assume this means you have some form of temp control. If so, lower it somewhere down to around 18-20 degrees, will result in a cleaner ferment.

Well done on the 1st AG - looks like it has gone pretty smoothly and the pics look great!!


Don't worry about the airlock... very unreliable indicator of fermentation. Is there any condensation on the lid or any appearance of foam starting to form? These would indicate fermentation was starting up. Another test would be to take a hydrometer sample and see if there has been any change from the OG.

If you don't see any of these, I would give it a bit longer and see if any of those signs appear (within another 12 hours).

Given you are using a fermentation fridge - I assume this means you have some form of temp control. If so, lower it somewhere down to around 18-20 degrees, will result in a cleaner ferment.

Well done on the 1st AG - looks like it has gone pretty smoothly and the pics look great!!



thanks mate,
yeah the brew went pretty well, we've determined the needs for the rack we need to weld up. i think we need an extra silicon hose and a few more qd's but apart from that we're pretty good
we also mashed out via the sparge arm, without running the wert through until it was clean, so the sparge arm got some chunks in it, so we wont do it that way next time (at least not without running it until it runs clean)

The OG was 1044-1045 anyway
Don't worry about the airlock... very unreliable indicator of fermentation. Is there any condensation on the lid or any appearance of foam starting to form? These would indicate fermentation was starting up. Another test would be to take a hydrometer sample and see if there has been any change from the OG.

If you don't see any of these, I would give it a bit longer and see if any of those signs appear (within another 12 hours).

Given you are using a fermentation fridge - I assume this means you have some form of temp control. If so, lower it somewhere down to around 18-20 degrees, will result in a cleaner ferment.

Well done on the 1st AG - looks like it has gone pretty smoothly and the pics look great!!



Yeah there is condensation in the fermenter. I just dropped the temp down to 19 on the fermenting fridge. I will take a reading later tonight with the hydrometer. Cheers
Just a quick update, fermenter is bubbling away like a champ at the moment so there was nothing to worry about. Just took a little while to get going and we were a bit impatient to see it all happening. I'm thinking I will leave it for 7 days then dump it in a secondary for another 7.
Just a quick update, fermenter is bubbling away like a champ at the moment so there was nothing to worry about. Just took a little while to get going and we were a bit impatient to see it all happening. I'm thinking I will leave it for 7 days then dump it in a secondary for another 7.

good to hear BigMav :) .
Unless you have a need to free up your fermenter, just leave it there for 2 weeks - will do your brew more good than transferring it mid stream.

cheers Ross
Cheers Ross, yeah I can leave it to ferment for 2 weeks no problem. So do I need to bother with the secondary at all then? I've ordered some gear from you for the next batch aswell, I will be trying Dr Smurto's Golden Ale but substituting Weyermann Munich I for Weyermann Munich II as the website told me you were low on the Munich I. Will this affect the end outcome much? This is the recipe I'm talking about. To me it just looks a little darker which doesn't worry me too much. We are just starting to play with Beersmith a little bit so I guess we will get there eventually.
Just a quick update, fermenter is bubbling away like a champ at the moment so there was nothing to worry about. Just took a little while to get going and we were a bit impatient to see it all happening. I'm thinking I will leave it for 7 days then dump it in a secondary for another 7.

As you know bubbling is not a necessity, but damn its good to hear the airlock bubbling away after all that effort turning grain into beer. Well done!

Cheers Ross, yeah I can leave it to ferment for 2 weeks no problem. So do I need to bother with the secondary at all then? I've ordered some gear from you for the next batch aswell, I will be trying Dr Smurto's Golden Ale but substituting Weyermann Munich I for Weyermann Munich II as the website told me you were low on the Munich I. Will this affect the end outcome much? This is the recipe I'm talking about. To me it just looks a little darker which doesn't worry me too much. We are just starting to play with Beersmith a little bit so I guess we will get there eventually.

no, no need at all... Munich II should be fine as well.

cheers Ross
no, no need at all... Munich II should be fine as well.

cheers Ross
Thanks Ross, I got the grain in the mail just now. Awesome service. Will let you all know how it goes with the Munich II. Cheers.
Was that hot wort you were pouring into the white bucket causing lots of hot frothy aeration?
yeah it got a fair bit of air when i was pouring it into fermenter. gave it a fairly rigorous stirring too.
yeah it got a fair bit of air when i was pouring it into fermenter. gave it a fairly rigorous stirring too.
It wasn't really hot at that stage though as it had been through the chiller. We stirred the shit out of it as it went in, hence the foam. Don't have an aerator...yet.