I have been looking at getting a filter to obtain a bright clear beer, my question is:
How much gas does it use to push through the filter (19lt Corny Keg) and if its possible has anyone tried gravity filtering?
I have been looking at getting a filter to obtain a bright clear beer, my question is:
How much gas does it use to push through the filter (19lt Corny Keg) and if its possible has anyone tried gravity filtering?
Just to add to these sentiments....Keg to Keg under CO2 pressure - It'll use the same amount of CO2 as you would use to dispense a 19L keg.
Gravity filtering - it can be done if the hose is large enough (normal 1/2 inch would do the trick). The only problem with gravity filtering is that if your filter blocks and the flow slows down you can't turn up the pressure to keep it flowing.
Thanks for the help guys,
My main concern was the gas usage because as im aware out of a 6.8KG cylinder you will carb and dispense approx 24 19lt kegs and was wondering how much of a change it would make if i had to use gas to push through the filter as well.
The reason for gas usage is not the cost of the gas but the distance i have to travel to have it refilled.
Thanks for the help guys,
My main concern was the gas usage because as im aware out of a 6.8KG cylinder you will carb and dispense approx 24 19lt kegs and was wondering how much of a change it would make if i had to use gas to push through the filter as well.
The reason for gas usage is not the cost of the gas but the distance i have to travel to have it refilled.
I finally bought myself a filter - 1 micron absolute - and did a gravity filter from the fermenter into the keg over the weekend. About half an hour a keg...
I was a little disappointed with the result though - the final beer was still a little hazy even after filtering.
I'm now wondering if its something to do with the yeast I used - Brew celler European Lager yeast (which I think is similar to 34/70) - pretty dusty yeast and takes many many weeks of lagering to settle out...
Is this normal?
I finally bought myself a filter - 1 micron absolute - and did a gravity filter from the fermenter into the keg over the weekend. About half an hour a keg...
I was a little disappointed with the result though - the final beer was still a little hazy even after filtering.
I'm now wondering if its something to do with the yeast I used - Brew celler European Lager yeast (which I think is similar to 34/70) - pretty dusty yeast and takes many many weeks of lagering to settle out...
Is this normal?
I finally bought myself a filter - 1 micron absolute - and did a gravity filter from the fermenter into the keg over the weekend. About half an hour a keg...
I was a little disappointed with the result though - the final beer was still a little hazy even after filtering.
I'm now wondering if its something to do with the yeast I used - Brew celler European Lager yeast (which I think is similar to 34/70) - pretty dusty yeast and takes many many weeks of lagering to settle out...
Is this normal?
Well its not chill haze - just warmed a sample - so I'm thinking maybe I didn't get a proper seal - there was a bit of a leak when I was doing it - and also after some examination of the of the filter - it looks like I might not have had the thing in straight as there is a off-center ring marking in the plasticBeer should be visually bright after passing through a 1 micron absolute cartridge, unless some yeast has bypassed the filter (unlikely, as housing will normally leak if not sealed properly). I would suspect that your remaining haze issues are not yeast - Try warming the beer & see if the beer turns clear, if it does, then you have chill haze, that can be removed by products like Polyclar.
Yes, 1micron isn't fine enough to strip out all the yeast, for that you need to go to ~0.2microns (and then a pump is required), so some would have gotten through the filter. The beer will still benefit from lagering so the beasties should drop out by the time you get to serve it, first glass will be a messy one, but high in vitamin B. LOL
Does this help.I'm a little late to the party but I have Just Brought a keg to keg filter with a 1 micron absolute filter in it, that was the easy part now the rest of it is messing with my head can someone please explain in simple man's terms how they do it,
I have read all over the net that some use out post to out post with 10 psi co2 open gas relief valve filing keg.
others say pre gas filling keg and up the gas in the first (emptying ) keg .
any help would be great.