I've justed checked my second BIAB partial mash and the FG is at 1.020 after 16 days fermenting at around 20 degrees. This seems high but is also the longest I have ever fermented. Previous batch was 1.014.
OG was measured at 1.056
I expected FG to be around 1.014 (@ 75% yeast effectiveness)
Recipe was....
115g crystal
170g chocolate
300g roasted barley
2.5kg pale malt (2 row)
mashed in brew kettle @ 67.5degrees for an hour (finshed at 66.2 degrees)
Raised temp to 76 and held for 25 minutes (mash out)
Drained and squeezed
Brought to boil around 15 litres and added hops during 1 hour boil
at flame off added 250g DME dissolved in cold water and
1.5kg (1 tin) Black Rock Pale extract
Cooled, added to fermenter and topped up to 21 degrees - stirring well
Sprinkled 1 pack of US05 on top and gently shook fermenter
Can anyone see any glaring mistakes??
My bottle are clean and sterlised, ready to go, but 1.020 seems high to finish on.
Is there anything I can do drop a few more points or is this it??
I have read a few things saying extract can finsh high, but this is only partial extract
I have also read that porters / stouts can finish high as well
OG was measured at 1.056
I expected FG to be around 1.014 (@ 75% yeast effectiveness)
Recipe was....
115g crystal
170g chocolate
300g roasted barley
2.5kg pale malt (2 row)
mashed in brew kettle @ 67.5degrees for an hour (finshed at 66.2 degrees)
Raised temp to 76 and held for 25 minutes (mash out)
Drained and squeezed
Brought to boil around 15 litres and added hops during 1 hour boil
at flame off added 250g DME dissolved in cold water and
1.5kg (1 tin) Black Rock Pale extract
Cooled, added to fermenter and topped up to 21 degrees - stirring well
Sprinkled 1 pack of US05 on top and gently shook fermenter
Can anyone see any glaring mistakes??
My bottle are clean and sterlised, ready to go, but 1.020 seems high to finish on.
Is there anything I can do drop a few more points or is this it??
I have read a few things saying extract can finsh high, but this is only partial extract
I have also read that porters / stouts can finish high as well