Favourite beer to go with a tasty casserole?

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I had a delicious red wine beef casserole in the slow cooker all day for tonight's dinner and washed it down with one of the fine Dr S's golden ales.

It worked alright with the meal but it got me thinking, what's your favourite brew to wash down such a deliciously rich casserole?

A glass of a nice red wine would have gone great but I didn't want to open a bottle of the fancy stuff for a glass or two only.

I'm in Brisbane BTW so it's certainly not cold here, but don't let that stop you offering your winter opinions!
Delicious beef casserole slow cooked and I'm not thinking beer any more, my thoughts wander off to gratin dauphinois...ok, farmhouse ale /saison would do nicely IF there's some nutmeg in dauphinois...

Yes. I am on a diet.