Fatwa issued against Noah.

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Le roi est mort..
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Ahh religion. Can there be a better reason for madness and mayhem than the depiction of fictional characters in a fictional scenario?
Politics certainly can be that way. But for sheer bat shit craziness religion takes the cake.
You see that guy over there with an almost identical religion? Well I want to kill him cause my god is all about love.
Gryphon Brewing said:
In a lot of the more radical places the political leaders are also the religious leaders.
Like in Canberra.

Look out Pell- Tony has his eye on your gig once the commision is finished.
I was subject to largely catholic schooling. On one hand they preach non-violence and turn the other cheek. Then proceed to beat 7 shades of shit out of me when I did something wrong. Hmmmm..... go figure.
You see that guy over there with an almost identical religion? Well I want to kill him cause my god is all about love.
Maybe they've put a Fatwa on it because it's shite. The only thing that got me through that movie on saturday night were the three bottles of SN Northern Hemisphere Harvest I took into the cinema.

Well there goes religious teachings of tolerance kindness etc out the window...not that crackpots have ever practiced them anyway.
JDW81 said:
Maybe they've put a Fatwa on it because it's shite. The only thing that got me through that movie on saturday night were the three bottles of SN Northern Hemisphere Harvest I took into the cinema.

I thought I was the only one with a drinking problem who enjoyed a sly beer at the moving pictures.

3 x 710mm x 7% ABV in a couple of hours of not moving. Good job.

Computer simulated sea trials have proven the the piece of shit arc would have capsized and sank anyway.
Sorry if I spoiled it for anyone.
I don't need a fatwah to tell me not to see something with Russel Crowe in it.
Dave70 said:
I thought I was the only one with a drinking problem who enjoyed a sly beer at the moving pictures.

3 x 710mm x 7% ABV in a couple of hours of not moving. Good job.
Yep I was feeling very refreshed by the end.
This guy is worth a listen

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Mattress said:
This guy is worth a listen

Look up his debate with christian apologist William Lane Craig if you want to see a man torn a new asshole in front of a live audience.
Or his bitchslapping of Deepac Chopra if just want to see an arsehole torn an arsehole.

I not so long ago got through his Moral Landscape book. And spent about two thirds of the time reading the book, the other third looking up shit on Dictionary.com..
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One of my sons is named Noah....better keep him well away from any Mosques
Dated a Minister's daughter for 2 years...seen both sides of religion, kind and preachy

No longer with her (found a better model ;) ) and don't want anything to do with this so called god dude/lady -_-

Each to their own but the best thing religion ever did was make monks in a monastery who made spectacular beer :icon_drool2:
Good way to get shit loads more free publicity for the film.

The photo below is one of the financiers of the movie using some of the extra profits to snort coke with, in celebration.


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