E-Brewery Controller EBC II-D, Someone in AUS build these please!

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Well-Known Member
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Marrickville NSW
These new brewery controllers are pretty flash. Not as pricey or as complicated as Kal's design either.
Can't someone in this country start building these so I can buy one!?
Yeah I am that lazy! I know I CAN do it myself but that requires time, money, special tools, and yeah TIME !! Did I mention I don't have much time! Thats for brewing beer btw !
check link below


I guess it comes down to this; some brewers love building things and brewing beer and some of us just love brewing beer. I would be in the later camp !
probably end up being more expensive due to the need to be electrically certified before being sold as is required by the govt here
And every one would be tight arsed and say why are you retailers ripping us off, there's your answer.
Make it your self and save the money. No ones going to do all the work for nothing.
Online brewing suppies do make something like that for about half the cost, the HERMIT Controler. Sure it only has one PID and can only run one pump but why would you need a PID controler for the HLT? You can heat your strike water up to desired temp in your mash tun before doughing in useing your HERMIT. Then you only need to heat the sparge water up to desired temp, PID seems over kill. Maybe im missing something
Just use an STC 1000 for your HLT. Could also go for one of the Matho's controllers I'm doing. They aren't fully constructed like Nev's though.
Why would you need a PID for your HLT ? If your doing a herms brewery that is just about all you need a pid for .
Sorry, maybe that wasn't clear. Stc1000 for hlt and brauduino for mash controller. Can swap in gryphon controller or programmable pid for mashing.
Keeping things simple is a good idea . Adding extra functionality to the outside of a control panel build can mean a wiring explosion on the inside.

I'm too ashamed of the spaghetti inside my build to post a picture but the panel will look nice when the bits are mounted in some stainless or aluminium sheet.

