Duvel Time

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I have the gear in this pic ready to go for an attempt at something like a duvel.


I now realise that sugar of some sort is a must for this style and one of the guy's from G&G told me that their Belgian Candy Sugar was the go so I got a kg of this.

Here is a recipe that MHB put on my earlier post regarding this:

Brewcraft Belgian Ale
1.5 Kg Coopers Light Malt
500g Sugar (i dont sell this, find your own)
Saaz Pellets 12g (Taste)
Saaz plug (Aroma)
Saf T-58 or Liquid Culture

I figure my recipe will go like this though
Muntons Export Pilsener
1.5kg Coopers Light Malt
500g Belgian Candy Sugar
Saaz Pellets 12g (Taste)
Saaz plug (Aroma)
and I'm using Belgian Strong Ale 1388 for yeast though

Can anybody advise me of boiling times for these amount of hops for taste and aroma? Also pitching temps is puzzling me a bit as well. I read somewhere that belgian beers are pitched low and allowed to rise to whatever they like for the duration of the ferment. Is this something I need to consider? Or could I pitch at 22C and wind it down to 15 or so in my temp cont fridge?

Thanks again in advance
Hi Henno,
I would give the flavor hops a 15 minute boil and the aroma hops go in at the end. You could pitch that yeast at 18c and let it rise to 22c. But to be honest I don't think it's really that important. I would just pitch at 18.
How much of the extract are you boiling and in how much water, will this be a full wort boil?

I have the gear in this pic ready to go for an attempt at something like a duvel.

View attachment 13645

I now realise that sugar of some sort is a must for this style and one of the guy's from G&G told me that their Belgian Candy Sugar was the go so I got a kg of this.

Here is a recipe that MHB put on my earlier post regarding this:

Brewcraft Belgian Ale
1.5 Kg Coopers Light Malt
500g Sugar (i dont sell this, find your own)
Saaz Pellets 12g (Taste)
Saaz plug (Aroma)
Saf T-58 or Liquid Culture

I figure my recipe will go like this though
Muntons Export Pilsener
1.5kg Coopers Light Malt
500g Belgian Candy Sugar
Saaz Pellets 12g (Taste)
Saaz plug (Aroma)
and I'm using Belgian Strong Ale 1388 for yeast though

Can anybody advise me of boiling times for these amount of hops for taste and aroma? Also pitching temps is puzzling me a bit as well. I read somewhere that belgian beers are pitched low and allowed to rise to whatever they like for the duration of the ferment. Is this something I need to consider? Or could I pitch at 22C and wind it down to 15 or so in my temp cont fridge?

Thanks again in advance

For taste I would think 10-15 minutes, aroma I like to put in as close to the end as possible, even as I take the pot off the stove...

Some belgians are allowed to get pretty high temp wise, I don't think Duvel and other goldens are one of them but I could be wrong. I'd try and ferment under 20 myself, but perhaps not so low as 15.

The specs for the yeast on the manufacturers site should give a good idea.
18/20c for that strain is best from personal experience.
Thanks guys, I will pitch at 18 by the sounds of this input. Trouble is with the probe sitting in my fridge that is now switched off it sometimes gets down to 14 at night time. Should I get out my heater belt?

Also will my recipe mentioned above get me near 1080 for 21L? Or should I include more of the candy sugar or some of the powdered LM I have in that pic?
The fermentables that you have listed would give you 1.080 if you made it up to 14.4 litres.

To get 20 litres to (roughly) 1.080, you'll need to add about 1/2 kg of dry light malt extract and 1kg of dextrose to your recipe.

Edit: And if you are going to the trouble to boil this up, why not try an extract brew? ie, Using unhopped extract, boiling for one hour and adding hops as you go. This gives you much greater scope to alter the recipe to your taste.
I would check the label for the Muntons Export Pilsner kit - the IBUs may be higher than you would expect for a Duvel clone, especially if you are adding other fresh hops.

Muntons seem to claim a fairly high bitterness for all of their cans, but whether they really are is another matter.
