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I'd appreciate your comments on this recipe for a Dunkelweizen I'm planning.

JW wheat malt (3.6kg) 61%
JW light munich malt (2kg) 31%
JW dark crystal malt (250g) 4%
JW Choc malt (70g) 1%

Tettnang for 60 mins 12IBU

Wyeast Weihenstephan Weizen

I'm a little concerned about the amount of dark crystal. What will this do to the flavour? Will it put it too far out of style?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Sah,
I'd personally leave out crystal malt completely, this beer should have what I would discribe as a 'soft' maltiness. You only wave a few hops over the boil, well you get the idea(12ibu), and as such theres no room for any crystal malt sweetness or flavours. I'am not all that familiar with JWM munich but i'd possibly only go 1kg max and maybe use ale malt for the rest. Like i said you want a reasonbly soft and delicate but malty beer with nothing really too strong, certainly i think dark crystal would be way out of place in this. Other that all that i think your looking pretty much on the right track.

Boozed, broozed and broken boned.
Cheers Scott.

Good to see more weizen being brewed. Testify!

I'd replace the light Munich with pils or ale malt, although I have made a nice hefeweizen (not Dunkel) with Vienna.

Dark crystal could be replaced with a combo of dk munich, choc (only about 50g max IMHO), and Carafa colours and flavours.

Bt all means, try the dark crystal, but don't be surprised if it overwhelms the delicate (or not so delicate) banana and cloves.

Maybe you should put 750g of dk crystal in there and make an Arrogant Dunkelweizen (with some Chinook 4 flavour).

Apart from that, good hopping and yeast as you planned.

Seth's 2 cents :p
I have one in my keg right now and its great.

Its a bit lighter than the style guidelines say but the ones i have bought that were brewed in germany were not so dark either.

I brewed one a while back and used a heap of darker grains and they did kind of take away from the soft malty finnish it should have.

I used about 3.5% light german crystal and a bit of carafa 1 for colot this time and its great. The JW munick is lovely too. It was the first time i used it and i am impressed with the rusults.

here is the recipe,

Dunkelweizen - 2

A ProMash Recipe Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 52.00 Wort Size (L): 52.00
Total Grain (kg): 11.00
Anticipated OG: 1.052 Plato: 12.74
Anticipated EBC: 21.5
Anticipated IBU: 17.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 75 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
54.5 6.00 kg. JWM Wheat Malt Australia 1.040 4
31.8 3.50 kg. JWM Light Munich Australia 1.038 18
9.1 1.00 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 3
3.6 0.40 kg. Weyermann Caramunich I Germany 1.036 100
0.9 0.10 kg. Weyermann Carafa Special I Germany 1.036 950

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
80.00 g. Tettnanger Tettnang Pellet 4.20 16.5 45 min.
20.00 g. Tettnanger Tettnang Pellet 4.20 0.9 5 min.


Amount Name Type Time
0.10 Oz Irish Moss Fining 15 Min.(boil)


WYeast 3068 Weihenstephan Weizen
Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.

I will drop the dark crystal because I'm attempting to brew to style with this.

Here is my new plan which includes dark munich:

JW wheat malt (3.6kg) 64%
JW light munich malt (1.5kg) 27%
JW dark munich malt (500g) 9%
JW Choc malt (50g) 1%

Tettnang for 60 mins 12IBU

Wyeast Weihenstephan Weizen

Beersmith tells me the colour will be ~10 SRM which is about 4 units on the lighter side of the BJCP style. I know colour is the least important of all aspects though.

I'm happy to stick with the light munich to 2kg if need be. If you think the addition of the dark munich will be overpowering / too dominant please let me know. This is all new to me.


I say go 4 it and see how you like it .You can tweak it next time.
I did one in summer and it was identical to Tony's recipe Except i used choc not carafa,and 3333 yeast.Yummmmmm.......................

Suck it and see. You'll either be happy or very happy, I reckon.

If you really want the colour, you can add, say 50g, of Carafa for the last bit of the sparge to darken the beer without significant flavour change. I know Stephen (of this forum) did the same last weekend for one of his beers, on a tip from Gough, prob originally from MHB. (Happy to be corrected on facts here).

Good morning
Seth out... :p
i was drinking my dunkelweizen by the 1 liter stien the other night. Bloody fantastic beer.

My first few tries at a good wheat beer were not so flash but this stuff is great.

I cant see why the color in the BJCP guidelines is so dark. I havnt seen one that dark with the few varietios i have tried.

here is a pic of mine.

Looks booootiful Tony. Looks like it should be ok on the colour? 14-23 SRM according to the guidelines, which is only a light brown or so. I looked up Franziskaner Dunkel and it looks lighter in colour than yours. Picture here.

BTW, you asked about hops and haze in another post. Apparently, yes, hops do cause haze, and strangely enough it's called hop haze. :blink: :lol: Those partial to a really hoppy brew expect it it seems. Gerard_M reckons some Sydney brewers have been making beers so hoppy that the head is green as well. Anybody owning up to that? :p
I was happy with the colour of the Dunkelweizen I brewed yesterday even though Beersmith calculated it at only 10 SRM.

I ended up using the following grainbill:

60% JW Wheat Malt (3.6kg)
18.3% JW Pale Malt (1.1kg)
12.5% JW Light Munich (750g)
8.3% JW Dark Munich (500g)
0.8% Weyermann Carafa III (50g)

I'll post the outcome in a few weeks.

Good on ya SAH :excl:

Wheatys in all their forms are great fun to make and tweak,and taste so damn good(early and fresh).Keep us posted

Tony, the colour of that beer is sensational,If it tastes :chug: as good as it looks ,you are one lucky brewer.
Guys, this recipe file from Weyermann might help with the Dark Wheat beer (and a few others!) Look for the Dunkels Hefeweizen. The style has quite a soft palate with no real strong malt flavours and a dryish finish with the wheat malt coming through. Subtle is the go.

Hope the files help.


View attachment Weyermann_Recipes.pdf
my brother was here on the weekend and he reccons it is one of the best ive made.

I have made some great beers and some shockers and this one is up with the greats. It was going down so well 5 of those 1 liter steins got drank. and no hangover at all :)

SAH.... sounds great. let us know.

I have found that the lightest color malts in their catagory (lightest crystal, lightest roast ect) will give the best flavors in a beer thats to have soft features.

still havnt used dark munich but will have to soon.

Thanks WES :) Thats brilliant(food for thought)Back to the drawing board :blink:
Tony said:
It was going down so well 5 of those 1 liter steins got drank. and no hangover at all :)

Feeling a bit thirsty that night Tony? That is a huge stein :D
yeah just came off call at work after a very long and frustrating week.

they went down so well :)

sah said:
I was happy with the colour of the Dunkelweizen I brewed yesterday even though Beersmith calculated it at only 10 SRM.

I ended up using the following grainbill:

60% JW Wheat Malt (3.6kg)
18.3% JW Pale Malt (1.1kg)
12.5% JW Light Munich (750g)
8.3% JW Dark Munich (500g)
0.8% Weyermann Carafa III (50g)

This dunk is now on tap. The mash was hot at 70C and I had to boil longer than planned and ended up with 14 IBU. It started at 1.049 and finished at 1.013, 4.7% ABV.

The colour is lighter than I wanted. The malt profile too is a little light on. Next time I'll double the Carafa and might replace the light munich with the dark. Then again, if I can find roasted wheat I'll use it. At this stage the esters are still strongish although not unpleasant. I think this will subside a little over the next week.

In future I'll be looking for a slightly thinner, dryer more toasty malt profile.

Overall I'm happy given this was quite a leap for me. Its been a good learning experience.


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