Drought Is Biting

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:lol: , ahh Wort, you've dragged me out of a self imposed ban.

It's the government's job to provide essential services and funding into the future. Not to sell off yesterday's successes to fund its own term in office, and leave future generations to rely on corporations to provide essential services.

OK, let's create a system whereby essential services are dictated by Government. What would be your number 1? Health? Medicare Gold supported by Gillard? Oh sorry, they just abanded that for something different didn't they.

The entire weight of 99% of the world's most respected scientific organisations aren't enough to convince you? You know better? The fact that the Northern hemisphere is experiencing weather patterns never seen before doesn't raise any eyebrows with you? That 'record rainfall' doesn't strike you as odd? The fact that we pump billions of tons of carbon deposits out of the ground where it's been for millions of years and burn them, while cutting down millions of acres of trees, that adds up as fine and dandy to you? Couldn't possibly be affecting the planet negatively could it?

Explain then the simultaneous warming on MARS. Maybe there's a Liberal PM up there as well. And while you're at it, provide a peer reviewed link from any of the 99% of the 'worlds most respected scientific organisations' which proves this is the case. I'm writing a journal article ATM on plant DNA, does that mean I can just SPECULATE on my results? I didn't realise it was so easy, thanks B)

How can a technology which produces waste that REMAINS TOXIC FOR LONGER THAN MANKIND HAS WALKED THE EARTH possibly be the solution?! Talk about shitting on the future to solve today's problems. That is perfect Howard. For the cost of implementing an effective nuclear power system in Australia you could equip every single home with its own solar panels. That's without making any investment in wind, wave, tide, or geothermal. The real truth is that there is no big money to be made from every home reducing its own consumption and meeting most of its demand with local renewable production. Decentralised power generation means decentralised profits, and that means none of Howard's buddies get to invest in it and reap the profits.

No, lets instead invest BILLIONS into a highly dangerous and toxic technology (should I point out here that there has NEVER been a successfully decomissioned nuclear power plant - EVER), lets produce waste that can kill people for thousands of years to come (way longer than any civilisation in history has managed to convey a message), or into some ******** 'geosequestration' rumour that, even at its best (if it worked at all) is still likely to be dirtier than burning natural gas is today. Furthermore, what do you think would happen to the funding of renewables once we start building nuclear? If nuclear was clearly an interim measure, with a distinct deadline and an effective method of waste and plant disposal, then I might consider it. As it stands, nuclear is the worst possible decision Australia could make.

Now we're getting somewhere. If I'm also not mistaken, but didn't Bob Hawke suggest not that long ago that Australia was perfectly suited for waste disposal? Nuclear that is. There must then have been a change in thinking over the past several years, or, nope, just preference dealing like in NSW recently with the ALP and the Greens. Imagine the uproar if the NSW ALP decided to place wind turbines along the coastline (where the best winds are) to provide your 'investment' in alternate sources of energy. Did you know that they claimed that the de-sal plant would be 100% green powered? False, yet more drain on the coal fired power grid.

Australia is still 10 - 15 years away from the FIRST nuclear power plant. I hope it's built. Maybe then people will realise that they are not 'bombs' in their backyards.
I guess there are alot of Sunrise viewers here....

I am with you Duff.
F&cuk Labor or Liberal - let's use these pool owners (I am one) and work out a solution that pleases us. Use the water well. Very well.

What we need is open fermentation!

Make beer in your pool!

Ross can bring in the hops with a D9, Franko can bark out the directions, Screwtop can Project Manage, Bonj can take pics, Pumpy brings the panadol, Frogman brings the cooling systems when frozen (we can brew in frog tanks too!), Bindi can bring us the sounds, Wortgames can make the gadgets, JDSaint can pick the footy tips (he flips a coin I reckon), Tidalpete will do aromatherapy, Ducatiboy Stu will ... wear that shirt, Sqyre will pay for it on 'nature's credit card', Zizzle can be the hairdresser, Pistol Patch can write the posts (longhand as usual!) Browndog can heat the fire under the pool (see his BBQ pics), Aaron can contradict himself, Braufrau can provide a pool cover (nearly open fermentation!), and Ex- Girlfriend of mine can provide the yeast, and I can....

Wear Bindi's Fez, smoke a cigar and enjoy.

Let me know what you can add to the plan!
Enough of this political ******** on this thread.
These bastards are only out to increase their vote & will tell you whatever you want to hear (according to your political persuasion).


Trust your common sense & the fact that this may not be the biggest drought that Australia has experienced in it's recorded history (A mere 200 years) but the earliest stages of a global warming that will bring dire consequences to us & our children. :(


PS ---- Sorry I missed your trivial solutions to our problem Incider. This is a absolutely important reality to us all. I still love you mate :)
Come on Duff own up ... your are really just an alias for Alan Jones ;)

Chris, everyone who knows me realise that I'm about half the age of AJ and prefer my wife ;)

So tell me again how making 'naturally occuring' climate change happen much much faster, is a good thing?

Max, Brewer_010's post was one of the first realisations from the left that we are not to blame.

Level for level Adelaide on the harshest set of restrictions in the country, plus our water quality has always sucked as we get it after 3 other states have used it.

Industry has little to no restrictions placed on it as far as I know and they waste billions of litres a day. Every Australian needs to carry the burden of the drought not just the farmers and householders.

SA Water Level 3 restrictions
Sydney Level 3 restrictions
Brisbane Level 5 restrictions
Melbourne Level 3a Water restrictions

I get sick and tired of those who bag Adelaide especially those who live here.
im hearing you mr krausen.!
i work in the turf game in the a.c.t and our water ultimatly ends up down your way(hopefully),i have heard that it has busted one or two turf growing buisnesses in croweater land.crazy world we live in,recycling water and other nutrients such as the sun can only have a possitive inpact.
p.s i am not a greeny, but we have to think laterally.
Slightly off thread.Water wise.
Drought on the world scale affects all our commodities.From my end the price per bag of grain malt has increased by $7.00 plus and I think this just the begining.And Im a supplier.As we all know prices all ways go up but never go back down.Just look at petrol prices. This is a world wide senario so you just cant get away from the affect that we all contribute to.Solar power breweries/business and water reduction should be bargaining tool for any foreward looking business.Till then when the ***** hits the fan I cant see any real affimative action taken by the government and the general public.We need to stop sitting on our hands and put our feelings into action.I recycle all my water used in brewing and have a solar battery system for a small amount of my power needs but not big enough to do even a 50 ltr batch.Time the government gave real incentives to us eco minded public /non subsidised tree hugggers.Dont get me started on the damage the non native species animals(hard hoofed) have on our water catchments .Go vego!Going off line and ducking the carnivorous brewers out there.Each to there own.
Gryphon Brewing
Oops, when I started this thread I'd not meant to be political at all, I was simply annoyed that, 1) my house tank had just run dry 2), the bowls club next door had their sprinklers on full blast for hours 3),The "federal minister for water" was refusing to believe that global warming existed 4), was told that the winter barley crop was going to be bugger all 5) I was pissed as a newt (soon to be extinct) and shouldn't be allowed to post after 10pm.
The relivant point to us is that barley prices are going up and malt will get harder and harder for us bit players to source.
I'd being buying in bulk now except that i've got no mill and I 'd be feeding the rats (ie safe storage).
Enough worrying I'm going to drink beer, watch the footy and piss on the garden :)
Pissing on the garden is a great idea.Be doing it for years.You may try pissing on your local MP as well! It gets their attention.Wouldnt put it in my beer though.
Gryphon Brewing
Wortgames, tell me how the Australian govt, Lib or Lab is going to change the size of China? Everything else is a pittance, and you know it.

EDIT: In the 15 or so elections (state and federal) since I registered to vote, I've voted for 5 differnent parties, although I've almost always lived in (very) safe Labor seats. It seems to me that Australia, with a work force the size of New York has 2 fifths of **** all's say in the world's economic environment and that federal economic policy has less to do with individual prosperity than the size of the fart of the IMF's treasurer on any one day. For you to suggest that our government can prepare in any way, shape or form for the rise of the Chinese middle class is naive in the extreme.
My Missus bought me a flagon of Draytons White Port'

It cost $17.00

It is very nice

It has **** all to do with politics, the environment, interest rates,water or the way my staffy ***** on the ground.

But it is rather nice.

The end
Max, Brewer_010's post was one of the first realisations from the left that we are not to blame.


too right :)

I don't believe in blame to be honest. Global warming is a natural event, and how we deal with that is going to be a big challenge, whether you're a 'believer' or a 'sceptic'. The science behind cimate change is real (as real as that which cures our illnesses, builds our skyscrapers etc) and the arguments for or against are a distraction from the bigger picture: how do we LIVE with it?
You guys are so in touch!Flagons, dog DoDo etc.Good Saturday entertainment! global warming will kick your arse believe me.China who gives a toss. Look locally and think globaly.
BTW Is there a spell check on the forum?
The silly political thing is that the farmers have known for a long time that this year, along with the previous years , are hard.

Having lived and worked in south west & west NSW it seems strange that now that they are taking about the Darling having no water.

It was never a true flowing river, never has, never will be.It has always had a flood cycle. Its next one will be in a couple of years.

Maybe the polies and the city folk will one day understand how the land actually works.

The Green/hippie/flower/dreadlock movement maybe, one day, perhaps might even work it out

I wish I was aborigine, at least they know the land
You guys are so in touch!Flagons, dog DoDo etc.Good Saturday entertainment! global warming will kick your arse believe me.China who gives a toss. Look locally and think globaly.
BTW Is there a spell check on the forum?

My sense of humour is so out of touch with my inerself

Pass me a crystal... :unsure:
Can anyone explain why he would actually be a better choice for the future? We can even pretend he hasn't lied to us all those times if you like.

I don't think either of the major parties are better for the future. So far as I can tell, as a humble public servant, both parties interests are vested in the status quo, ie continued unsustainable economic growth.
Truth is substainable growth is not our choice its up to mother nature.She will dictate our limits.I feel for the farmers who supply our needs but they are ones exceeding the limits of substainablity of the land.We will finally see the truth some what to late i feel.Implement your own changes and pass on the knowledge.My daughter (11) is far beyond my comprhension of what my generation stuffed up.Look to the younger generation and vote accordingly.My life is their hands.Deep and meaning full Saturday night.Its good some times to go off the brewing thread and see how others think. ;)