Drought Is Biting

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and it isnt Howard or the liberals whom are pushing for a de-sal plant either. its Labour.
yes i agree with all that wortgames you are 99% on the mark and brewer101
but duff mate Howard wants to protect the cotton growers cause he signed them off in the seventies its all about them, he has refused lots of Mike Ranns concerns and suggestions and Steve Bracks gets the finger too as Its all about NSW COTTON GROWERS ,JOHNNEY SIGNED THE BILL IN THE SEVENTIES REMEMBER?AND IF HE GOES BACK CN WHAT HE PROMSED THEM IN THE SEVENTIES HE LOOSES FACE AND LIBERAL FUNDING FROM THIS MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY.
but those flood irrigators are the most wastfull of all
they should piss off the cotton and go back to grasing wool Australia has the best wool in the world and they even invented if we all remember the wool that is light like cotton.
Bugger pollies lets get out to the brew shed have a punch up over it then shake hans be best mates and then rink beer.LoL
and as for rice paddys piss them of two we can always buy rice cheap from asia a packet of basmati,jasmine and as such is way cheaper than sunlong aust rice and tastes $HITLOADS BETTER .
The cotton industrie killed the hemp industry 200 years ago and i tell you hemp rope last 10 flod compared to cotton proof is in the grenwich maritime museam the rope and sail wardrobe from the cuttysark are in there and they are old but still look like new.
hemp sailors uniforms too and you can feel the quality.

there is a bloke across the road from me who just uses water like there isnt a drought when i ask him what about the drough he said(WHO GIVES A F*&K I DONT CARE A $HIT MY STATSMAN COST ME 45 GRAND AND MY GARDEN NEED WATER?)
I SHOULD DOB HIM IN BUT IF I DID THAT HE would probablly shoot me and kill my family he a bit of a looney tune.

Lucky we are brewers.

If it comes to the worst we can turn all that dirty undrinkable water into something we can drink.

Might have to go back to having a mild on the coco pops every morning. :D

So the state ALP goverments have been proactive in trying to deal with water issues and this is all the PM's fault?
True the states have been ineffective, but the latest drought hasn't been just now, water security has been a serious issue for the murray darling for at least the last 10 years and the federal govt has been doing diddly squat to resolve regulation issues. (Just for the record, do some web scrounging on the link between Federal Coalition govt and Cubbie station and find out WHY the state govt can't do anything about that).

In the latest round of the MDB talks, the Federal govt set out to try and sort out the water rights issues (with no effect nor change in pricing let me add). Regulation should be a federal issue, not a state issue.

A desal plant needs to be done, but on a much larger scale for Sydney's water security. If the rainfall projectins are accurate then Sydney's rainfall will drop 200mm a year on average, so there will have to be some kind of steady reliable water available. Recycling alone wont be the answer, there needs to be water tanks, recycling, restricted use, desalination, industry changes....

I'll stop now and grab a beer, it's almost midday :chug: .
de sal is not the answer, we do not NEED one. There are much much better options available.
Lucky we are brewers.

If it comes to the worst we can turn all that dirty undrinkable water into something we can drink.

Might have to go back to having a mild on the coco pops every morning. :D

...and if you really want to help, brew high alcohol beers so you don't have to brew as much, thus saving even more water... :huh: :blink: :D
Not at all, the state governments have been hopeless as well - but remember that by their very nature they are in competition with each other and therefore selfish and narrowminded. That's their job. The buck stops with the federal govt - they RUN THE COUNTRY and if the nation's food supply is in jeopardy then they need to take action early enough that it doesn't happen. The drought has hardly caught us by surprise.

There is TOO MUCH crap going down right now on a whole host of fronts, and Teflon John continues to try and sleaze his way out of all responsibility with more lies and prestidigitation.

Surely at some point we need to wake up and see that the guy has been asleep at the switch too many times?

Well put Wort, with an election looming later this year, the time for change approaches. But will it do us any good?
Well put Wort, with an election looming later this year, the time for change approaches. But will it do us any good?

Probably not Hashie, all pollies are tarred with the same brush....but at least you wont have to listen to some out-dated old fart woffle on about the usual rubbish.

Why would you want a 67 (going on 80) year old running something as complex as a country anyway? He still thinks going into Iraq was a good idea FFS.:angry:
Why would you want a 67 (going on 80) year old running something as complex as a country anyway?

Experience for one. But that does not excuse mistakes which have been made. Mr. Rudd has not held a domestic portfolio, does that make him experienced enough? A fresh change could be good for Australia, however life at the moment is not bad ;)
Experience for one.

A LOT of experience....hehehe :D But the really scary thought is that if Howard retires (or drops dead) who's next in line? COSTELLO :eek: :eek:

But I'm with Rudd for now, lets try something new and see how it goes. Can't be any worse than the Howard govt...
Hopefully this isnt a political forum....

Why are we not using water tanks....I do, cause I have no choice.

Interesting to note that if you live within an area supplied by council water, you cannot drink from your water tank, in fact you need to get permission to have a tank. BUT, if you live just past the end of the town water supply, you can have as many tanks as you wish without problem.

Case in point

A mate of mine lives at Werris Creek ( near Tamworth )
He built a house on his block, but could not get connected to town water. Was due to pressure issues etc in the mains.
Directly accros the road his neighbour is on town supply, but cannot use his tank water for drinking from, and had to get approval to even have a decent tank.
We are talking less than 100mtrs. My mate has 3 x 20,000 ltr tanks. No prob.

Funny how they charge for town water, but dont for having tanks. ;)
Good topic I think.

I agree that life is OK at the moment - but you can't just look at a snapshot of our lifestyle today

It's not just today, it's been good for some time now.

Case in point

A mate of mine lives at Werris Creek ( near Tamworth )
He built a house on his block, but could not get connected to town water. Was due to pressure issues etc in the mains.
Directly accros the road his neighbour is on town supply, but cannot use his tank water for drinking from, and had to get approval to even have a decent tank.
We are talking less than 100mtrs. My mate has 3 x 20,000 ltr tanks. No prob.

Funny how they charge for town water, but dont for having tanks. ;)

Macquarie Dictionary:

Bureaucrat, n. One who follows rules without exercising intelligent judgement.
Funny how they charge for town water, but dont for having tanks.

Not yet anyways.

My father-in law has property west of Port Macquarie and has built a couple of dams for his stock. Council told him to pay for the water he's storing....even though without the dams it was mostly just going to soak into the ground...they aren't big dams but he still has to pay for it.
My last post on the Government subject.

OK, today OR yesterday. Past performance is no guarantee of future success etc etc etc.

Life has been good because the govt has:

- sold off all the family silver (ie privatised everything);

It is not the Federal Governments's job to run telephone companies, banks, etc.

OK, today OR yesterday. Past performance is no guarantee of future success etc etc etc.

Life has been good because the govt has:

- got the public into unprecedented debt due to its changes to banking and housing regulations;

For each block of dirt you buy now in NSW, you can pay anywhere up to $150,000 in STATE taxes to fund INFRASTRUCTURE to support those estates.

OK, today OR yesterday. Past performance is no guarantee of future success etc etc etc.

Life has been good because the govt has:

- refused to meet climate obligations or do ANYTHING for the future that might actually cost a dollar;

Provide ONE document which proves that man made emissions are the cause of global warming/climate change. It doesn't exist. Define the word 'drought' to people in Far North Queensland or North West Australia, record rainfall up there. Unfortunately it is not falling in the highly populated regions, or where we WANT it to fall. Next you'll be blaming the lack of rainfall on the IR laws.

OK, today OR yesterday. Past performance is no guarantee of future success etc etc etc.

Life has been good because the govt has:

- agreed to sell off our natural resources to our largest competitor (and biggest threat to local employment).

If I'm not mistaken, but hasn't Mr. Rudd also refused to change any output in Australia's coal exports? What's that? Uranium? Australia has approximately 45% of the World's reserves. Isn't nuclear power cleaner? Less emissons? Don't you think that nuclear is the way of the future? I do. Won't that provide jobs for Australians?

OK, today OR yesterday. Past performance is no guarantee of future success etc etc etc.

What do you think will happen when your kids are looking for a job, and there aren't any - because everything comes from China? China has 1.3 billion people, currently building factories and investing every cent of profit into future production capacity, while we spend every spare cent on polishing our cars, painting our houses and repaying our debts. Exactly what do we do when our mines are closed and our rivers are dry? You can only sell so much 'Aussie innovation', particularly when you only invest a pittance into scientific research compared to emerging behemoths like China.

The Howard govt has become a serious liability. They are in total denial of the future and are the worst example of 'baby boomer' self-interest at the cost of future generations. Politically we have aligned ourselves squarely with a 'superpower' whose national debt amounts to about US$30,000 per citizen, and increases at over US$1.5bn every day - and will soon be well and truly 'owned' by whoever can place a higher bid for oil (I'm guessing China, anyone else want to have a stab at it?)

At some point in the future, we will be answering technical support calls in 12 hour shifts, and getting abuse because the caller can tell 'we're not really Chinese'.

We need more sustainable policies, and friends in the right places.

Scary you think like that mate.

i can bite my tongue no longer...
theres one reason and only one reason why there's talk of nuclear power for australia...once we have it it opens the way the take the waste from the US, Europe and every other bloody place...the yanks haven't given up on the idea of using south australia for their nuclear dumping ground by a bloody long shot...i'm sure the fine people of S.A would love that idea..NOT!
if dumping nuclear waste in our country is such a fine idea and safe not to mention profitable...then why wouldn't the US or europe do it in their own backyard...cause its a lie...

Provide ONE document which proves that man made emissions are the cause of global warming/climate change
What's that? Uranium? Australia has approximately 45% of the World's reserves. Isn't nuclear power cleaner? Less emissons? Don't you think that nuclear is the way of the future? I do.
why do you care about emissions when there's no such thing as gobal warming....huh?i must be daft....either that or my previous comment on greed and stupity may have the ring of truth...
Rome ain't going to last forever ...get used to it.

edit spelling
I'm not entirely sure if I'm answering one particular reply or addressing the whole thread, however, I'd like to put forward my 2 bobs worth:

1. With the flow of the Murray Darling system severely inhibited and people all along the VIC/NSW border pissing and number twoing into the river, SA now has a reasonable excuse for the taste of the liquid crud they laughingly describe as beer. This probably explains why there is a large number of home brewers in that state desperately trying to create something that resembles beer. Oddly enough, you have Coopers, manufacturing kits, that when mixed with real water, make for a great tasting beers.

2. People who drink their own creations shouldn't be up late at night making political statements which in the cold light of day could return and bite them on the bum next morning.

3. Harvesting of water is a rather complicated matter and is highly charged in both a political and enviromental sense. Govts of either colour are always petrified of the voter implications of anything they do or don't do and their absolute terror of the potential of the "Green" influence stifles may of their decisions, they would rather whole industries die rather than offend the weird influence of the "green fringe".

4. Population. This is a contentious issue as it raises the heckles of so many interest groups that I won't even commence to address. Simply, this country can only support X amount of people with its' limited amount of non mineral resources. By this, I mean that you can only stop so much water reaching its' eventual destination (the sea ) without having an impact on its' consequential users before it has an impact on its' enviromental course i.e the estuararies relying on the fresh/salt interaction that has to flow on to the ocean health of Flipper, Keko and his friends. Don't get me wrong in thinking I'm some some sort of kooky enviro crusader as I'm not as I fully support the use of resources presented to us us, including the beautiful timbers that our forests can supply. However, we can only utilise so much before it becomes unsustainable and I think we have probably already reached that point. Our country is predominantly desert and drought affected permanently and we should really be looking at restricting our population growth whether this be immigration (ooh aah) or a Chinese style condom led restriction on reproduction. I can safely advocate this as I already have produced my two protengies (spelling uncheckhed) who I hope to be able to enjoy this f****** beautiful country that we live in.

5. See point 2

6. Incidentally, here in the Barwon region (Geelong,sort of) we've been on restrictions for about 10 years despite reserved land for a new dam having been ignored by both Govts red or blue.

Provide ONE document which proves that man made emissions are the cause of global warming/climate change. It doesn't exist.


this is a good place to start, plenty of good reading here.
The issue was never whether man caused global warming, rather whether we are actually exaccerbating it.
A fresh change could be good for Australia, however life at the moment is not bad ;)

I really really have to question that one. I certainly don' t know anyone who is working less hours, and enjoying the high life...must be mixing in the wrong circles. :p

The whole, (insert Johnny accent) "I made this country prosperous", line is self fulfilling nonsense.
On the back of Keating reforms, J.H has kept the ship pointing forwards. Yes son, go to the top of the class on maintaining a healthy economy through a natural resources boom. But look at the whole swag of areas where you have badly dropped the ball. Water being just one of them.

The states have much to answer for as well, but on the need for change, John Winston Howard was busy doing his best ostrich impersonation...now he claims the sky is falling? Please :rolleyes:

Edit: spelling