Danstar Yeasts In Sydney....

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Hi all,

I'm keen to try some Danstar Nottingham yeast but can't find it in Sydney.

Any advice where I can find some?


Jez said:
Hi all,

I'm keen to try some Danstar Nottingham yeast but can't find it in Sydney.

Any advice where I can find some?




I'm hoping to have stock very shortly...

cheers Ross / CraftBrewer
Yep me too !
I will give this yeast a run if i can get it ( ta Ross! )

The Syd pub crawl were told that the Lord Nelson use'Nottingham' as there choice also !

Will u be getting it prepacked in 11 odd gam sachets or packaging yourself Ross?

My LHBS has started stocking a range of dry yeasts from these guysBrew cellar with wanky packaging and 15 gram packs.
The range seems to parallell the saf range.

he hasn't moved many to date and gifted me one to try, that is labeled as American Ale yeast, to trial as I'm a repeat user of US 56.His suspicion is that its probably the same and wants some feedback.Currently bubbling away on my blonde ale.

Any one else tried em?
Brauluver said:
guysBrew cellar with wanky packaging and 15 gram packs.


Nothing on that website but logos and retailer addresses. :( I'm sure their brand would inspire more confidence if they at least ~listed~ their products. Then we'd know if we even wanted to wade thru the sorted alphabetically-by-shop-name list of resellers.
Yeah ....Dumb isn't it.

I typed in the address that was on the yeast sachet and that was it.

LHBS didn't seem to know much more ,than that they were a new player and he thought he would trial their products,hence the freebie for me to try.
i was told who it was, just can't remember (bloody 9% beers) - Due to Brewcraft holding the distribution rights for safale here. I'm hoping to source already packaged as i don't really want the headache - but i can if needed...

cheers Ross
That stuff is repacked fermentis yeasts...in larger amounts too(11.5/15gm)

threw 1 pack of the American Ale(us-56)'unhydrated' to a 1080 brew...it blew the airlock!!!!

Id use it again....actually I did...
Thanks for the feed back linz.
Its just as he suspected.
Ross said:
i was told who it was, just can't remember (bloody 9% beers) - Due to Brewcraft holding the distribution rights for safale here. I'm hoping to source already packaged as i don't really want the headache - but i can if needed...

cheers Ross


Was it Jovial Monk. He sells it & other Danstar yeasts through his on-line shop. Drinking my first Nottingham brew at the moment. Very happy with Nottingham yeast. :super:

How soon do you expect to have the nottingham ale yeast Ross? I am planning doing some more ales in the next few weeks but the cooler weather is starting to make me a bit nervous (I'm paranoid now after getting a few stuck ferments last winter!). I have Saf S-04 and US-56 and they say down to 15degrees, but I hear this Nottingham stuff is the go for cooler temps. What is the lowest you can go with it from people's experiences?
BrewYourOwnAtHome in Canberra sells it. Have used it many times with great results.
Thanks Steve. So assuming the quoted temp ranges are correct, its not going to do much more than Safale when it comes to temperature tolerance. Is that a fair comment???

I have heaps of safale in stock.

And yeah, a mate of mine who now lives in Canberra gets his from BYOAH and reckons its the goods. Was quite cheap too from memory...
I hear a few guys have been buying the 500gm packs & using them.
I was looking to sell these (as readily available) but was put off by this paragraph from the product spec sheet


How are you guys storing it? - I guess you're not worrying about the 3 day recommended usage time?

Cheers Ross
Ross, you wont be buying a 10kg block and dividing it into 15g vacuum sealed bags :D
If you can get around the packaging problem involved with the Nottingham yeast then may I suggest that it would generally be better packed in 22 or 23 gramm packs as its pitching rate is 1 gramm per litre as opposed to the Safale of 1/2 gramm per litre.
Now I know that this won't suit all brewers but catering for the majority would be the most economical.
Just my thoughts,
FWIW I was given a 500g block of Nottingham around 12 months ago. I gave half to another brewer and bagged up the other half into 14g bags under nitrogen. These have been stored in my keg fridge all this time and I used some for an ESB last month. No problems whatsoever with viability and performance.

dicko said:
If you can get around the packaging problem involved with the Nottingham yeast then may I suggest that it would generally be better packed in 22 or 23 gramm packs as its pitching rate is 1 gramm per litre as opposed to the Safale of 1/2 gramm per litre.
Now I know that this won't suit all brewers but catering for the majority would be the most economical.
Just my thoughts,

I like your idea Dicko & would halve the packaging cost :super: . I can re-package if required, I have the nitrogen flush packing machine here - I just don't really have the time or inclination if I can source prepacked from the manufacturer. Hopefully have answers very soon.

cheers Ross
FWIW I was given a 500g block of Nottingham around 12 months ago. I gave half to another brewer and bagged up the other half into 14g bags under nitrogen. These have been stored in my keg fridge all this time and I used some for an ESB last month. No problems whatsoever with viability and performance.


I also split my 500g block with another brewer [ screwtop] and store mine in 13g and 23g bags and I only use ziplock bags inside ziplock bags kept in a sealed container in the fridge ;) .

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