If you think you can taste your stainless in your beer, I would suggest you are likely to be cleaning it with the wrong chemicals or treating it incorrectly in some other way.
To my knowledge most breweries run stainless steel kettles and fermenters as it can be cleaned with harsh chemicals which can't be done as aggressively with copper.
For example if you used bleach, that is the worst you can do for stainless as it pits the stainless and you could get to a stage where it corrodes.
Caustic soda is fine, as is PBW and other brewery cleaners.
Thanks for reply.I just use water and brewers detergent to clean kettle.Perhaps there is a different flavor I can taste. Maybe the malt is somewhat caramelised or crystallized in the steel. I read that copper is a better heat conductor so possibly less likely to burn or caramelise malts.Any thoughts?
one "issue" with copper is that if you dont brew for a while oxides build up
when you boil wort it will strip the oxides off into the brew (like when you put a copper immersion coil in)
i have got no idea if it effects a brew but it's another factor
a mate of mine uses a copper boiler (old school washing tub from Grandpa's shed)
another experienced brewer actually said to him at a tasting "you brewed this in copper yeah?"... apparantly some ppl can recognise the copper, I can't remember the exact details of it and I don't think it was a taste thing, more something to do with how the co2 bubbles formed in the liquid... but i could be tripping too. often hear these stories after a couple