Coopers Baverian Larger

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Hi all first an intro, My name as you might have guessed is shawn and I am over in Perth WA on to my 5th brew and enjoying it.

Thanks to all of the guys and Girl / s ? who post reguarly and have taught me heaps.

I am brewing a coopers Baverian Larger in the destructions it states lower ferment temp is 13c but I have had it in my fridge at under 12c for most of the last week with active fermentation taking place. I racked to 2nd today with a few points to lower still untill FG.

Now for the question, Is this a true larger do I need to do anything than leave it in the fridge 4 another week check for FG and bottle? I have read bits and pieces about a rest od some sort (Diact somthing)is this required? If so where to from here.

Again thanks for all of the great info. i hope I will be able to provide help to others in the future.

BTW I am drinking my third brew a Stella clone and it is as good or as better as the branded item.... I just wish they would last longer.

thanks Shawn
Hi Shawn, welcome!
The baverian lager is apparently the only kit supplied with a true lager yeast, no idea what type it is though - a regular ale yeast (as I understand) wouldnt be showing signs of active fermentation at those temperatures, so definately just a regular ol' lager u got bubblin' away there.

Re the diacetyl rest, apparently thats only needed if you have had the brew fermenting at too warm a temperature at some point (and creating diacetyl). Then you bring it up to 18 or 20C for a couple days before you cold condition (I do 1C for 6 weeks)
I've done this kit twice with white labs german lager yeast. I added a 1.7kg tin of light LME and 1 plug @ 15min, 1 plug in secondary. first it was hal second was tet. fermented at 11C for 2 weeks, racked and chucked in a plug let it sit for a week at 11C, diacetyl rest at 18C for 2 days, then racked for the CC, 1C for just over a month.

both of them taste gross...I don't know why i must have screwed something up on they way, they have a real cheap spirits taste, i think its fusel alcohols, which according to palmer can be caused by a few things, none of which I recall happening. I racked a few times so there was no sitting on trub, temps were low, and I know I underpitched so it wasn't because of excessive yeast either...
Theyve been an extra month in the keg at 1C and still no change... :( I still have hope for my first lagering attempt though!
i did one of these with a partial mash it turned out great i used about 1.5 kg pils and 1.6 munich with hal and wyeast 2206
Hey Shawn,

Slightly off topic, but what was the recipe for your Stella copy?
Hey Shawn,

Slightly off topic, but what was the recipe for your Stella copy?

J.T it was one of those bags of stuff from West Brew, so as sad as it sounds I dont exactly know. I guess if you go on their site you may find out more. It is one of those things that I am finding a bit frustrating at that brew shop they have heaps of bags with different stuff in them to make up clones but there is no ingredients list. It tasted great but the only way that I can recreate it is to buy another box of stuff with all the ingredients in it. Or maybe a quick trip to the recipes section on this site may have more stella recipies.

I need to have a poke around the brew shop and look for stuff that is not prepackaged.