Citra - All thanks to Miller

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Ringwood, Melbourne
Go figure that we can thank the likes of Miller for this hop, Ive been reading

For the Love of Hops - Stan Hieronymus

"They provided the financial support for the first commercial production of Citra"

Genetic History

In 1990 two plants were cross pollinated 2 plants, a sister and a brother, that resulted from a 1987 cross between a Hallertau Mittlefruh mother and a male from an earlier cross.

It wasnt until 2001/2002 that samples were even sent out to breweries and it wasnt until 2008 that it really took off after Widmer Brothers Brewing took out a Gold medal at the World Beer Cup.

There you go :)
Yob said:
Genetic History

In 1990 two plants were cross pollinated 2 plants, a sister and a brother...
So incest is best
Topaz was generally (and still is) grown for extract to be used in Heineken until some bright spark smelled it and realised it has some distinct qualities.