
Once a year we do a bit of a special night and it's not actually about beer! It's a Charity Night!
Most people in the club have a charity which means a lot to them and this is the night to tell people about it, why you think this charity is the "beez kneez" or just raise awareness for it. You are more than welcome to bring a little collection box along as well and people then can throw a few coins in it. This night isn't about one charity but a good reminder of how good we have it and that there are people out there who are struggling or just need a bit of a helping hand.
We have an optional annual fee ($50 for 12 months) if you want to become a paid member which has benefits of free raffle tickets (we do a beer raffle every meeting), also hugs and high fives from other paid members. This fee pays for nibbles on club nights, helps out towards club camping trips and extra fun stuff the club decides on doing. If you wish to become a fully paid member please ask Adam (tricache) at either the meeting or on the club page.
As usual be sure to bring along an extra bottle or any other beer related paraphernalia for the raffle.
Date - 14 November
Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
Facebook Event Link