Here is the promised guide to Using the Party Kegs.. it covers all the options for dispensing, gas, filling and carbonating.
I will be asking the admins to insert this into the first post in the appropriate spot, but here it is at any rate.
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Happy Kegging
Tricky... It shouldn't be coming into contact with your beer and so might not be too much of an issue.
However, I have devised a test! Soak the thing for a couple of days in a glass of plain tap water. Let us know what the water tastes like...
Outstanding job, Thirsty and Spills!! Top Darts!![]()
Great info and good fun all round. Hope we see some photos from those who have made their own!
I'll try and snap a few of my party keg set-up tomorrow.
Good stuff Thirsty.
Got motivated last week and put this together.
These things are great for ales.
I purged with CO2, hooked it up to my corny's and transfered under pressure bleeding the party keg to fill it.
The magic of a party keg is they can be chucked in a bucket with some ice and create it's own party anywhere.
Here is mine after months in the making, lifted out of the ice in the mayo bucket and being emptied.
Funny how friend's call it a weed killer rather than a pressure sprayer....
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Hi Guys and Girls,
Further to the post on party kegs, dont disgard the aluminium sprayer end bit and handle. Put a length of hose on it and a beer out dissconnect. Hook up to keg out post, stainless lance in the bottom of the sprayer minus the spray end plastic fitting, and pull the trigger. Presto party keg filler with no o2 intorduction. Simple.