Brewing Microbiology - A Special Case Of Beer Gushing

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There is a little known infection that beer can get that is characterised by Spontaneous and vigourous overfoaming of bottled beer without agitation. It is caused by a Fungal infection such as Fusarium spp. or trichoderma spp. Fungal infections cause some very nasty toxins (mycotoxins) It is one of the many causes of gushing

  1. Aflatoxins - carcinogen, Liver damage.. Not bad so far
  2. Ochratoxin - possible carcinogen ... ok
  3. Deoxynivalenol - emetic... ok Leathal dose 50-70mg/kg
  4. Zearalenone - Hyperesterogenic

    1. Causes swelling of the vulva and enlargment of the mammary glands
    2. Shrunken testis!! I kid you not
    3. Possible abortions
Who said microbiology was boring
There is a little known infection that beer can get that is characterised by Spontaneous and vigourous overfoaming of bottled beer without agitation. It is caused by a Fungal infection such as Fusarium spp. or trichoderma spp. Fungal infections cause some very nasty toxins (mycotoxins) It is one of the many causes of gushing

  1. Aflatoxins - carcinogen, Liver damage.. Not bad so far
  2. Ochratoxin - possible carcinogen ... ok
  3. Deoxynivalenol - emetic... ok Leathal dose 50-70mg/kg
  4. Zearalenone - Hyperesterogenic

    1. Causes swelling of the vulva and enlargment of the mammary glands
    2. Shrunken testis!! I kid you not
    3. Possible abortions
Who said microbiology was boring
FK ME, this is what my mountain goat hightail ale was doing on the weekend. thank christ i didnt taker the punt and drink it, mind u it would been nigh on impossible as there was 3 parts of 5 8ths beer in the glass, it was near all foam. it acted same as u say, popped lid bear foamed out of stubby, practically impossible to pour. half the stuuby 330ml became an overflowing schooner glass. thanks for the info, mental note; dont drink beer that does this :(


guss this explains my enlarged breasts (i thought it was just cos i'm a fat crnt),not sure about my swollen vuvla tho :blink:
There is a little known infection that beer can get that is characterised by Spontaneous and vigourous overfoaming of bottled beer without agitation. It is caused by a Fungal infection such as Fusarium spp. or trichoderma spp. Fungal infections cause some very nasty toxins (mycotoxins) It is one of the many causes of gushing.

*can* cause some very nasty toxins, not do. A gusher isn't automatically going to deal you +10 damage.
I've got my +8 chainmail on anyway. I'll be cool.
FK ME, this is what my mountain goat hightail ale was doing on the weekend. thank christ i didnt taker the punt and drink it, mind u it would been nigh on impossible as there was 3 parts of 5 8ths beer in the glass, it was near all foam. it acted same as u say, popped lid bear foamed out of stubby, practically impossible to pour. half the stuuby 330ml became an overflowing schooner glass. thanks for the info, mental note; dont drink beer that does this :(


guss this explains my enlarged breasts (i thought it was just cos i'm a fat crnt),not sure about my swollen vuvla tho :blink:

It is only one of many possible causes and not a common one at that, but amusing nontheless :lol:
Visited Mountain Goat brewery during ANHC 08 loved the beers - no gushers
*can* cause some very nasty toxins, not do. A gusher isn't automatically going to deal you +10 damage.

correct! well spotted will edit as advised - you do see the lighter side of this, yes?
It is only one of many possible causes and not a common one at that, but amusing nontheless :lol:
Visited Mountain Goat brewery during ANHC 08 loved the beers - no gushers

yea, i have heard really good reports about the brewery. must get to try them on tap cos the 2 stubbies i could drink seemed pretty good

There is a little known infection that beer can get that is characterised by Spontaneous and vigourous overfoaming of bottled beer without agitation. It is caused by a Fungal infection such as Fusarium spp. or trichoderma spp.

Not exactly little known - Fusarium is one of the critical control issues for barley intake QC. As are fungi levels in general. Maltsters inspect for these things before they take in barley and the likelihood of you getting a beer with even so much fusarium as to cause gushing, let alone a toxic reaction is vanishingly small.
Not exactly little known - Fusarium is one of the critical control issues for barley intake QC. As are fungi levels in general. Maltsters inspect for these things before they take in barley and the likelihood of you getting a beer with even so much fusarium as to cause gushing, let alone a toxic reaction is vanishingly small.

hi thirsty,

as described my experience was simliar to pyro's explanation. what else might it have been?

Do any of these fungal diseases exist in australia? With all the quaranteen etc, these could only be transferred here if unmalted and unroasted grain were imported right? (I have only used aussie malt so far).
Are there pics or illustrations of these fungi. These are pre-malting identifiable right, not post malting? I would guess that the funghi would be killed, but the toxins would be distributed throughout the malt. I have seen an illustration of LSD fungi on an unmalted rye grain. What do these look like?

Probably a case of relax and have a home brew, but yes, interesting.
Not exactly little known - Fusarium is one of the critical control issues for barley intake QC. As are fungi levels in general. Maltsters inspect for these things before they take in barley and the likelihood of you getting a beer with even so much fusarium as to cause gushing, let alone a toxic reaction is vanishingly small.

Thank you for illustrating the reasons why, to a "home brewers forum" that it is a little known problem - Not many homebrewers are also maltsters tasked with Barley QC
When doing a doing a hazard analysis, sure the likelihood is as you say, "vanishingly small" but ooohhh the devastating effects - Bigger tits and smaller balls
Did you also miss the humorous aspect of the subject :rolleyes:
Thank you for illustrating the reasons why, to a "home brewers forum" that it is a little known problem - Not many homebrewers are also maltsters tasked with Barley QC
When doing a doing a hazard analysis, sure the likelihood is as you say, "vanishingly small" but ooohhh the devastating effects - Bigger tits and smaller balls
Did you also miss the humorous aspect of the subject :rolleyes:

And so - you got to be funny; and the problem is now a little less little known. People laughed and people learned. Room for both no??

That's one of the reasons why I like homebrewer's forums, I frequently get to learn actual things from stuff that essentially starts out as a moderately lame dick joke.

Thesunsettree - lots of different things can cause gushing, usually its going to be a combo. Primary gushing (from things like moulds and fungi) can happen on poorly kept malt, but you'd have to be pretty suss about the general quality of a brewery to suspect it as a cause. Apart from that it could be straight over carbonation, particles in the bottle (oxylate acid crystals, filter aid etc) metal ions like copper and iron can contribute, or something simple like a scratches or manufacturing defects on the interior of the bottle. The weirdest one that I have heard of is "Bubble Skins" - in a beer that would have really nice tough long lasting foam, if it gets shaken up and a foam forms, some of the proteins in the foam de-nature and when the foam falls, you are left with tiny bubble "skins" like deflated balloons... these provide C02 nucleation points and the can contribute to gushing.
hi thirsty,

as described my experience was simliar to pyro's explanation. what else might it have been?


From Scientific principles of malting and Brewing p17. Bamforth

"In some beers, unwanted nucleation sites are derived from raw materials (e.g., intensley hydrophobic peptides from fungal contaminants of grain, oxidation products of hops, or traces of heavy metals),and foaming occurs immediately when the can or bottle is opened. This is called gushing"

Also Chapter 18 Gushing Talks about Type 1 and type 2 gushing
Type 1 is caused by solid particles in beer which act as nucleation sites for bubble release.
Type 2 is caused by stable microbubbles of gas
Gushing is also classified into "primary" and "secondary" gushing
Primary gushing is caused by an infection of barley, principaly by Fusarium but also possibly by Rhizopus, Aspergillus, Alternaria and Penicillium.
" The presence of Fusarium is in itself not a good prdictor of gushing" "Even if gushing does not develop, such organisms can produce mycotoxins"

"Secondary" gushing is caused by a range of agents that are capable of nucleating microbubbles.
  • Calcium oxolate crystals
  • Slivers of glass in new bottles that have been inadequatly prewashed
  • Rough surfaces on the inside of glass
  • Heavy metals such as nickel
  • oxidised and dimerised resins in old hops and in bittering extracts
  • filter aid breakthrough (pvpp DE)
  • Haze particles
  • Excess carbonation
This is a great Book and I think not all that expensive. I got mine from amazon
And so - you got to be funny and the problem is now a little less little known.. people laughed and people learned. Room for both no??

That's one of the reasons why I like homebrewer's forums, I frequently get to learn actual things from stuff that essentially starts out as a moderately lame dick joke.
Both was my intention Lame dick jokes still get a laugh eh!
*can* cause some very nasty toxins, not do. A gusher isn't automatically going to deal you +10 damage.

I've got my +8 chainmail on anyway. I'll be cool.

this was the only bit I lolled at :lol:

but in all seriousness, your AC wont protect you from the stinking cloud resulting from the gusher.

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