I reckon sweet stouts and stuff like that are the best breakfast beers.
Even a Guinness with a bacon and egg breakfast can't be topped.
I've just been having the same conversation with a mate; to design a great breakfast beer. I was thinking a mix of citrus and black current hops in an ale. Other ideas floated were a coffee style stout. Hmm decisions, decisions.
SWMBO enjoys a breakfast beer, so this will be the basis of my new recipe.
Does anyone have a breakfast beer that is tried and tested?
That beer in the OP is too clear, at breakfast time I need yeast in suspension as my heads needs some springs.
But yeah mango Heffe, should pump out a batch of that!
That beer in the OP is too clear, at breakfast time I need yeast in suspension as my heads needs some springs.
There is a fruit wheat beer in Brewing classic styles that he mixes with apricotsHrm mango Heffe eh? Sounds bloody interesting while I'm staring at this tray of mangoes sitting here.... Have a recipe that works?
Mango Hefeweisen :icon_drool2: