Bottle Cleaning/washing

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I will be bottling my third batch in the morning using my Grolsch bottles. Earlier this week I was reading on another newsgroup about the need to scrub the inside of the bottles so tonight I scrubbed before soaking overnight in bleach.
I always rinse the bottle well with water from the hot tap at around 60C.
Previously I was just soaking overnight the night before bottling day in a laundry sink full of bleach and water, this time I used my bottle brush and a solution of bleach to scrub the inside of the bottles before soaking overnight. In the morning once I have set everything up for bottling I will rinse the bottles in cold water and boil the little red seals and the grolsch flip top thingys right before I need them.

Earlier tonight I put the little red seals in a clean jam jar with some Neo-Pink and water and give it a good shake, I looked at it an hour later and there was a brown cloudy sediment at the bottom which makes me wonder what the inside of the bottles will hold or if it is just because the seals are rubber that they hold the gunk and the glass will shrug it off as it is non porous. What I read said that a film builds up on the inside of the bottles, has anyone experienced this?
When i first get grolsch bottles i give then the overnight bleach soak.
After that I just rinse after I have emptied and then sanitise with bleach and a good rinse just before i bottle a brew.
Sounds like overkill oddball :blink: :blink:
But whatever maes you feel better.

I allways give bottles a really good scrub with a bottle brush before I use them for he first time.

After that I just wash them with a pink stain solution using one of those press down bottle washer things and then give them a good rinse in really hot water.

Haven't had any infections yet.
I soak em in bleach for 24hrs after i finish drinking a brew,store them covered,then rinse out when i need them
I was in the essential oil game @ the time I was still {no Pun} using bottles. With a boiler running most days and sometimes long into the night it was easy to clean and sterilize bottles , warm them up slowly then fire 30psi of steam up them for a minute or two ...welding gloves needed but they were clean and I never had an infection....

I've still {no pun } got a small boiler but dont use it on the kegs as I feel the seals will not last to long with that amount of heat....

Cheers Bunyip
rinse with hot water straight after use & then a quick rinse with a non-rinse sanitiser on brew (meaning bottling) day....
deadly said:
I soak em in bleach for 24hrs after i finish drinking a brew,store them covered,then rinse out when i need them

I found there is no fast & easy way to clean out bottles. Used to soak & wash them out with dishwasher detergent in hot water, give them a shake, then rinse in clean water until I held up a bottle to the sunlight one day. The sight of that crappy film of yuk sticking to the sides of the bottle sent me scampering down to the local HBS for a new bottlebrush quicksmart. :ph34r: It's a bit of a pain, but the bottlebrush is the only way to be sure of a good job. I find that the dishwasher's drying cycle does a good job sterilising my bottles. :D
All i do is put some water in the bottom and shake to remove sediment then i just bung them in the dishwasher, couldnt be simpler. I also put my fermenters in there. Never had an infection.

Scotty said:
All i do is put some water in the bottom and shake to remove sediment then i just bung them in the dishwasher, couldnt be simpler. I also put my fermenters in there. Never had an infection.


How does the water get up the spout :lol: of the bottles? With our dishwasher, the water won't penetrate inside the neck so I can only use the dishwasher to sterilise. Never thought about the fermenter though. :(

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