Hi Guys,
Lucky I came across this BOAB thread! I really need to start looking at cutting my costs down now that the first assistant brewer is due to arrive in 2 months.
Whilst these questions mentioned a specific recipe I reckon the answers would be a help to all new AGers and BIABers. This would be a great Wiki topic.
I have a SNPA recipe (below) that I got off the northern brewer forum that I think is the ducks nuts and I plan on making it my house beer. I am however concerned at the cost of the ingredients, buying them for one batch at a time is killing me, hence the questions below (sorry if they are a bit noobish) :
1.. Where in Sydney can I buy cracked grain in bulk at the best price, I am thinking of going out and getting 25kgs of Pale Malt(2-row), 5kgs of Crystal 60L?
2.. What about hops pellets, can I get 500gms /1kg of Cascade, Perle, Amarillo etc at a time?
3.. I have tried the same recipe with Wyeast 1056 and US-56 and to tell you the truth I prefer the US-56, the 1056 dries it out a little bit more than I prefer, can you get US-56 in bulk lots?
4.. Will a HBS crack that amount of grain for me or will I have to buy it whole and do it myself?
5.. Storage, the quantities above will make about 5 batches, what is the best way to store cracked grain, does it require certain temps?
6.. Something that my wife asked me last night, what if I get sick of the SNPA clone half way through the ingredients? Given that I have Pale Malt and Crystal 60L, what other styles can I make with these ingredients. American Amber, IPA etc.
% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
87.5 5.40kg Pale Malt(2-row) America 1.036 2
12.5 0.8kg Crystal 60L America 1.034 60
Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
57gm Cascade Pellet 5.45 0.0 0 min. (at flameout no dry hopping)
28gm Cascade Pellet 5.45 6.8 10 min.
11gm Perle Pellet 13.00 17.9 60 min.
14gm Perle Pellet 9.00 11.9 30 min.
Wyeast 1056 American Ale