I thought I might give this a go. My first two batches were
pretty bad efficiency-wise, so I had a bit of trepidation approaching something that was by its nature low eff, but....nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I shot for a pliney the elder clone. 21l at 60% efficiency - 1087 off 9.2kg of grain. Two mashes in the small malt pipe on a 50l bm, using a much finer crack than my first attempt (don't know the actual measurement on my second hand mill).
The first mash went fine and allayed my concerns about the pump and the finer crack. Second mash....not so good. The pump just couldn't get going.
I did my first mash with 20l, sparged on top that, but only went back to 20l for the second mash. It was steaming off while I waited for it to cool back to 63, so maybe that took a bit off beyond that. Once the grain went in, it absorbed enough that the elements weren't covered. No good. I banged another litre or two in, but that was kind of wasteful as that could have gone through as a sparge...oh well.
Even with the volume right, though, no pump love. After a few stirs I was getting the feeling that there might be something in the pumps, so I had to pull out the malt pipe, stick the wort into a bucket and open up the pumps. There was a small amount of crud in each, which I cleared.
On the second attempt at the second mash, it was still very slow, but at least pumping. I did a couple 'efficiency stirs', mainly due to some small wort fountains, but kept it to a minimum to avoid stressing the pump. The sparge on that second mash was insane. It was so slow that I could even dump a whole litre straight on in one go and it would just sit there, slowly draining through the sticky grain bed...nothing like the speed of my first mash. Maybe that's normal? I am a BIABer and never tried a beer this big before.
Boil went well, though the time I stuffed around with the second mash mean it was now 9:30pm, and I'd started prepping mid morning! I boiled down to about 20 and then took a grav reading. I was impatient to get the no chill cube closed so I rushed that reading and ended up blowing the thermometer in my hydro. Damn. Managed to figure it out as a 1.100 wort, but I wasn't sure how much got into the cube after trub. Grav was way too high, but I also started boiling with less volume than I expected (was sick of that slow sparge) so I topped it up with a guestimate amount.
Today I found 20l of 1090 wort going into the fermenter. I am happy with that.
Some lessons learnt:
Be very careful with loose grain if doing a second mash.
Don't try to mash with a low amount of liquid in the name of efficiency - or at least don't go too far with it.
The one 'super brew machine' feature that the BM is missing (apart from a chiller) is automatic water detection. If it could do that, it would save guessing the volume as you sparge and the malt pipe obscures your vision.
When Ross says use malt extract, put away the all grain pride and listen to him. It was an almost 14 hour day from prep to all clean.
That OG gets me at 59% efficiency. No better than my first two brews, but this is a much higher grav beer and I undestand it to be expected. That's 59% efficiency with 3/4l of water that could have arrived via a sparge, if I was thinking straight. What efficiency do you guys get on beers like this?