Interesting - I have just been trialing my element/pot at "single" batch strength and am not getting the results I expected.
The boil vigor is more or less (a little more) the same at 30L as it was at 50L - had me scratching my head.. but I think I have worked it out. Surface area!!
50L is more liquid to boil, but about the same amount of heat is escaping through the surface in each case... so roughly the same weakish boil vigor. I was expecting better because I have boiled 30L with this element before, no issue with vigor. But - in my old pot the effective surface area was less than half of this pot. (this one is 44cm across and the old one had a hole 30cm across - 1520cm2 vs 706cm2) - Now I think that that is near enough to half - so you could bring it back by putting the lid half on, or by doing what I did which is float something on the surface. I floated 4 takeaway containers with a total surface area of 800cm2 on top of the liquid - reducing the effective surface area to about what my old pot was... and hey presto - the boil vigor suddenly started to resemble what I was used to getting.
So megs80 - I think I might have been wrong. You probably will have issues maintaining a rolling boil in that pot with that element - at 80L its going to have even more surface area than mine. BUT.... if you do somethingto reduce the effective surface area to about 700-800cm2. Then your issues will go away and the pot will boil fine.
Or perhaps figures that you work out for your own system... but thats the solution. Lid partially on - or better - something floating on the surface. A baking tray, a chunk of styrofoam covered in alfoil (which is what I am going to do) - and leave behind a small enough area so that your pot boils well.
As long as you eventually evaporate more than 8% of your starting volume (per hour) you are doing whats needed in the boil - and 700cm2 lets more than enough evaporation happen to get that easily.
Hope me working my stuff out in public helps a little
PS - Goatus demonstrates the same effect with his BOD - Fermenter with an 18cm (255cm2) opening and the boil is too strong if anything