Barf Is Getting Old

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Small fridge, powerful thirst
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Hi everyone,
Well it's my 30th birthday next week *gasp*, and to commiserate I'm heading out for some drinkies this Saturday night. The venues are tried and trusted...starting at the Moon and Sixpence, and then onto the Belgian beer cafe.

I know this is short notice, but in short the programme will be:
Saturday, 11th February
7pm - moon and sixpence, murray st, perth
9pm - belgian beer cafe, another 200m along murray st, perth

I hope to see you along for a pleasant evening of swilling quality beverages.


PS. If you are coming along, could you please let me know so I can book a table.
Have a good one you old man :beer:

You won't see me there though...there are a few hundred/thousand kilometers in the way :lol:

All the :chug: best anyway

Have a good one Jeff, but panic not 30 is just not old.

Happy B'Day Barfridge,
but looking at your signature, if ain't hot enough in Perth at the mo for you, move North :)
Looks like you'll be having a good night Jeff.

LOL Mika, the last two days were warm enuff, this summer weather has been very strange. I fear what we've got coming.
Got the wifes 30th this sat Barf :) so if I was to turn up I don't think I would be welcome when I got home :p Have a good one.
I'm overseas from tomorrow young Barf, otherwise I would be up for a beer or 12.
Have a good one Barf. 30 isn't as bad as it sounds.
Yeah, Happy Birthday to you, you oldie. :D

Happy birthday Barfridge

Unfortunately I'll be making a dash down to the River this weekend... I have a luncheon appointment at the Leg on Saturday... Hopefully slip in a Colonial Ale or two as well.... Will have a few Off flavoured Hahn Premium light beers with you and Creatures "Roger" on Monday night upon my return....

Asher for now
Happy birthday OLD man, maybe 'barfridge' can become a 'big fridge' or an 'oldfridge' now.
Cheers 15BL :beer:
Barfy ! 30? that's nothin ! (happy birthday)

Sorry - I missed the thread completely.

Unfortunatley, I won't be able to make it to the festivities on the weekend - have a great time and don't hit those Belgians too hard; they bite back !

Its about time we had an 'in-town' catchup one Friday afternoon/evening though - its a great way to see the week off.
johnno said:
Yeah, Happy Birthday to you, you oldie. :D


Quickest way I've ever seen to get a punch in the head.

You just watch yourself mate you've been warned.

Your on thin ice and you dont want to break it!
Barf ole son, many happy returns, whatever that means.

Only an outside chance I can get there at such short notice. With Mrs away, I am a single parent and doubt I can organise a babysitter at such short notice. Also, best not to be hungover for her return on Sunday morning.

The last time I did the Belgian/M&S combo for a few quiet drinks, I fell in love with Wychwood Hobgoblin which incidentally is cheaper over the bar at M&S than at International Beer Shop. Have one for me.
Cheers everyone. It looks like being a quietish evening, but I'll hopefully be too drunk to care :)

deebee: thanks for the tip on the hobgoblin. I've only had a small taste, and it's got complexity coming out its bunghole.
all the best bar.all going well later this year i will be in perth and will join you for a few copious amounts of celebratory ales .belated i know but next year i will be local for the day.

have a great time

big d
30 is better than 35, just that clocking of the odometer hurts just a touch when you see that double digit clicking over, head down my man, stubbie base up, grisham 2000 and the backpackers never know (but wife asks whats up with the hair dye!)
Well you all missed out on a tap night, apparently. Cheers to ausdb for flying the AHB flag, the beers were great.

I just got woken up by a builder who is now doing noisy things in my bedroom, when all I need is a few more hours sleep.

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