Antivirus Programs

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Well, after a lot of stuffing around, I've got rid of all the malware crap on my PC, this episode has prompted me to consider buying a decent antivirus program. I'm leaning toward NOD32 or AVG, can anyone recommend between the two, or perhaps something better?


I use AVG free anti-virus at home and the licensed one at work.
Two years ago I used Norton, and it allowed a virus - I don't know how - and I ended up having to wipe my laptop's HD because of it.

I switched to McAfee. While it's better than Norton (no infections), it's a massive PITA. Lots of bloat, slow, expensive, kind of buggy too. McAfee's own email virus/spam scanner is shitty, so I disabled it. Ever since then, McAfee's downloader doesn't work anymore. Once a week I get a warning that my dat file is more than 7 days old. I then have to reboot and then the download works - once.

When my McAfee maintenance is up I'm switching to something else.
I have used Norton's previously and I got 'malicious' activities on two seperate occasions. Both times we had the hard drive wiped and renewed.
We also felt that Norton's takes over your PC a bit more than I would have liked. Was always wanting permission for something or other, or just being difficult when you are trying to perform the simplest of tasks. cant remember specifics as it was a couple of years ago. I just know it became a pain in the date.
We now have a laptop and run McAfee Security Centre etc. It seems ok, however, we renewed our subscription for another 12 months and it is still showing that all of the Security indexes - Antivirus etc. are not running at full protection levels even though it is saying that everthing is up to date. I am assuming that this is because we didn't purchase the new version - we just renewed our licence.
When Ross was having his website troubles recently I ran a check with our McAfee antivirus and it didn't pick anything up. Ross suggested I download the free AVG program and run a check with it. I did this and it picked up a few that McAfee didn't.
I have kept McAfee going but will be following this thread with interest as I might be keen to try something else when the current period expires.
I use AVG, never had a problem with this and it updates daily. Give it a go and download it
I have had problems in the past with antivirus programs and the crunch came when i had to get the laptop completely reinstalled after picking up some problems. The computer techie that did the work fo me put me on a program called BitDefender which automatically updates and all the good stuff and the best part is it's australian and it's free.
He went on to tell me that he tested it beside the likes of norton and mcafee and the like and it out performed them all.

Just like anything, prevention is better than a "cure".

- Only install programs you'll actually use and can trust. "Toolbars" and free games usually have a lot of nasties in them.
- Uninstall anything you don't use (Use the add/remove programs feature in control panel)
- Use Mozilla Firefox and get the "noscript" addon. This will disallow a lot of content from every domain until you mark it as "trusted". This prevents you from seeing a lot of content you probably weren't looking for in the first place.
- Keep your primary email address sacred. Get a secondary "trash" email address (hotmail/gmail/whatever) and use it for signing up to forums, giving out on surveys, whatever you want to do with it.
- Be wary of any attachments on emails you didn't specifically request.

Norton and McAfee are usually more trouble than they're worth. Sure they protect you but they often just produce excessive paranoia about anything you do.. you'll just get frustrated and lower and lower the allowed security level back to the level of AVG just so it will leave you alone.
I have a paid for copy of zone alarm and found it pretty good, but it eventually slowed my PC down so much that when I had to pay to keep my updates going I decided to uninstall it and go back to AVG. I was pretty happy with AVG untill recently when it malfunctioned during an update and a couple of other planets coming into line caused me to open an infected file.
Agreed, McAfee and especially Norton virtually take over your computer and your every second move creates a prompt, NOD32 seems pretty good in that respect.


I used to run AVG free when I ran windows, and highly recommend it. I say give it another chance.
Avast. It's free and the daily updates are small, not bloated. It also seems to pick up on things that all of the commercial offerings don't.
i've used Norton IS for a while. Last year I bought Norton 360 and it blew hard. This year I gave it one last chance and put 360 v2 on our network and it's been pretty good and doesn't use as many system resources or prompt anywhere near as much as v1. Touch wood, no infections thus far.
Well, after a lot of stuffing around, I've got rid of all the malware crap on my PC, this episode has prompted me to consider buying a decent antivirus program. I'm leaning toward NOD32 or AVG, can anyone recommend between the two, or perhaps something better?




If you get Webroot Anti-Virus With Anti-Spyware + Firewall FROM HERE for US$39.95 you will never regret it.
Have used Webroot products (Including these) for quite a while now & have found them excellent.
The Webroot Support base is terrific also.

TP :beer:
If you are going to pay for it get Nod32

Nortons uses too much resources. I have found Nod32 to be the best and it is what we recommend to all our clients.
except if you buy a new computer with the microsoft tax built in :(
Avast. It's free and the daily updates are small, not bloated. It also seems to pick up on things that all of the commercial offerings don't.

big seconded here.

I used to use AVG when i was running xp, only reason i changed from that was when i moved to vista and AVG wasn't compatible. switched to avast, and i like it heaps more than AVG.
Avast. It's free and the daily updates are small, not bloated. It also seems to pick up on things that all of the commercial offerings don't.

big seconded here.

I used to use AVG when i was running xp, only reason i changed from that was when i moved to vista and AVG wasn't compatible. switched to avast, and i like it heaps more than AVG.

+3. my brother got me on to it years ago. He is a geek.
Nod 32 i have use on windows and bit defender i have used before but im with bonj and stu use linux instead of windows less chance of virus and i prefer linux
big seconded here.

I used to use AVG when i was running xp, only reason i changed from that was when i moved to vista and AVG wasn't compatible. switched to avast, and i like it heaps more than AVG.

Another vote for Avast for exactly the same reasons. Also got ZoneAlarm as my firewall.