
First competition of the year everyone! American Ales!
In the BJCP 2008 Guidelines this covers the Categories of 10A American Pale Ale, 10B American Amber Ale & 10C American Brown Ale. This will be a test of your brewing skills, fermentation techniques and your ability to brew the "perfect" american ale. Not everyone has to enter but we encourage everyone to have a go as this is a good time to get decent feedback about your beers.
If you do want to enter we please ask that you bring two PET bottles with your name and beer style attached. One of these beers will be "examined" on the night but the other will be taken home by a nominated judge/s (depending on amount of entries) and they will judge this with the actual BJCP Beer Score Sheet. This will not only give the entrant a decent amount of feedback on their beer but will also give the other person some experience in sitting down and judging a beer properly.
We have an optional annual fee ($50 for 12 months) if you want to become a paid member which has benefits of free raffle tickets (we do a beer raffle every meeting), also hugs and high fives from other paid members. This fee pays for nibbles on club nights, helps out towards club camping trips and extra fun stuff the club decides on doing.Also only fully paid members can enter certified homebrew competitions under the club name.
If you wish to become a fully paid member please ask Adam Sewell at either the meeting or on the club page. We usually take payments in either January or February (just to make things easier for the accounts) but you can join at anytime of the year. *PLEASE NOTE PAYING TOWARDS THE END OF THE YEAR WILL STILL MEAN YOU HAVE TO PAY YOUR FEE EARLY THE FOLLOWING YEAR*
Casual members (come more than one meeting per year) are encouraged to put make a gold coin donation on the night which goes to charity at the end of the year and visitors are welcome free of charge.
As usual we will have a raffle, so if you have spare beers (sorry we do not accept Coronas) or random beer items you are more than welcome to add to the raffle pile and then we pick a random number at the end of the night and the winner gets the pile!
Date - 13th Feb
Same GoldCLUB Place - Burleigh Brewing Company
Same GoldCLUB Time - 6:00pm
GoldCLUB Facebook Page
Facebook Event Link