alcohol prefered drug of choice

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Beer Sloth
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99% of us have experienced alcohol. where is that other 1% hiding..
surprised nitrous polled so well !

This must be a sample of 18-25 year olds.

You cannot convince me that a quarter of the population was wasted on pills at some point in the last year...
Overall, the 6600 respondents were an educated, healthy, heterosexual, Anglo-Saxon and well-off bunch - about a quarter earned over $100,000 each year.
The survey is the biggest ever undertaken in Australia examining current illegal drug users, with about two-thirds of people using them in the past year, and about 45 per cent in the past month.
yeah really ? bogons typically smoke dope well in our gen mate lol
Droughtmaster said:
poofter that smokes dope :) darling
i think cockos thread 'smoking meat' is more up their alley - pardon the puns..
looks like a sample of underground miners weekly intake of drugs. Seriously . 6600 is a good sample of the population. Keywords to look out for are. Respondents , about a quarter , about two thirds and about a quarter. There is no about when it comes to statistics and surveys. And what sort of people respond to what sort of questions in what sort of context is anyones guess.
yeah, good point, 1/4 earning over $100,000 per year. i guess the rest were uni students.
dougsbrew said:
Overall, the 6600 respondents were an educated, healthy, heterosexual, Anglo-Saxon and well-off bunch - about a quarter earned over $100,000 each year.
The survey is the biggest ever undertaken in Australia examining current illegal drug users, with about two-thirds of people using them in the past year, and about 45 per cent in the past month.
wow - 6,600 of the above to represent a quite disparate 22 million.

Global Drug Survey (source) home page is bragging of the 22,307 people that were involved world-wide...I wonder what that tells us about a planet that has busted the 7 billion mark?

No offence to OP, just have a pet peeve for shoddy stats and snake-oil salesman that hide behind (pseudo)'science'.
Lecterfan said:
No offence to OP, just have a pet peeve for shoddy stats and snake-oil salesman that hide behind (pseudo)'science'.
Totally agree...IMO I'm always a bit suspect of statistics posted on the internet
87.5% of statistics are made up on the spot...

However.....6600 participants is actually a pretty good sample size for a population wide study. Depending on what data you want. If you were looking for average heights then a survey of 6600 would get you pretty damn close. But then again... everyone has a height and not everyone does drugs. So depending on the percentage, quoted margin of error, confidence interval, etc, it may or may not be a representative sample.

Al lot of studies are much, much smaller. Political opinion poles are typically only a few hundred and many medical studies are done on tens of participants.

Without looking in detail at the methodology here (and dragging out my old stats textbooks) I can't say whether its a good sample or not.

But don't automatically dismiss a study just because it didn't sample the whole population...

Is this the study done by Fairfax et al?
Some idea of the source and who these respondents were (socio-economic group) might give some credibility to the picture.

And Nick - you be surprised...

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