After learnign so much from this site, here's something which might help others? A small thing, but have been using it for a while, and saves a heap of time for my bottle cleaning routine.
I use 750ml plastic bottles, and x16 nicely fit in a $8 storage box from Bunnings.
I made a few covers for the boxes, 6mm ply, and a 50mm holesaw, and a bar that locks the cover into place.
Would make them out of acrylic sheet if I did again, a bit cleaner.
I can take the tops on and off, but hold the bottles in the box, shake them, and turn them upside down. Now I can clean x16 bottle at once.
Bottles get a quick rinse when opened, once I've got x16 they go into a box with the lid, and get a 200mls or so of hot nappy san +water, caps on, shake around a bit, and leave for a few hours / days, shaking when i can be bothered. Caps off, and outside, rinsing is with a hosepipe, squirt it over the tops, then turn the box upside down. Do this a few times. Then I put a 100mls or so of sod met + water into each one, and cap, and leave the box in the garage.
Bottling day, take off all the caps, put them somewhere clean, and turn the box upside down to drain.
Next job is to find a bottling / syphon wand that will let me fill x16 bottles at once.