Adelaide Meeting With Chris White (whitelabs)

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Zen Arcade
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Hi Adelaide/SA brewers.

This is very short notice but we will see how we go. :eek:

President of Whitelabs Yeasts, Dr Chris White, is in Adelaide for a short time. I am attempting to organise an informal get together at a pub somewhere in Adelaide's CBD for this Tuesday night, 28th of March. I am trying to contact Chris to confirm his availability.

If you are interested then post in this thread and if you have a venue to suggest then put that up for appraisal as well. I am currently thinking the World's End on Hindley St. from around 7pm for a couple of hours.

More details will be posted if/when I can contact Dr. White.

I met him a few years ago at the German Club with about 10-12 other keen brewers and he was very happy to talk yeast and beer issues. A lovely bloke to boot! :super:

Slightly OT, but I noticed he was in Perth too... does anyone know whether Chris has any intention of visiting Melbourne?
NRB not sure, but he did have a busy itinery (?sp) when he gave a talk to us Taswegians.

Maybe contact Mel at ESB as he may know :unsure:
Hi Adelaide/SA brewers.

This is very short notice but we will see how we go. :eek:

President of Whitelabs Yeasts, Dr Chris White, is in Adelaide for a short time. I am attempting to organise an informal get together at a pub somewhere in Adelaide's CBD for this Tuesday night, 28th of March. I am trying to contact Chris to confirm his availability.

If you are interested then post in this thread and if you have a venue to suggest then put that up for appraisal as well. I am currently thinking the World's End on Hindley St. from around 7pm for a couple of hours.

More details will be posted if/when I can contact Dr. White.

I met him a few years ago at the German Club with about 10-12 other keen brewers and he was very happy to talk yeast and beer issues. A lovely bloke to boot! :super:


Unfortunately I suffer the tyranny of distance otherwise I would attend.
I have used some of his yeasts with good results.
I wish we could buy them in Adelaide.
I will be there if something is organised.
Worldsend or anywhere around the city sounds good to me and i'll be there if it happens. I will have the rug rat in tow most likely so possibly won't stay to long. Only 8 more years to go before she can do the driving :chug:

Boozed, bruised and broken boned.
At this stage we have 4 interested people, are there anymore takers. Please reply here and not to my work email address as I am not there.

If we don't get at least 10-12 people it wont be going ahead.

I can organise a leave pass too :)
Yep - no probs here

Having been to the same thing in Perth last week with Chris White, i can honestly say pull out all yours cards to get a leave pass for this one, its well worth it.
Dunkel_Boy said:
What is Chris White doing here - stealing our yeasts?

Naah he doesn t want any,
We asked him about where he gets his yeast strains from the other night and he said he hadn't produced any WLP009 for a few years now :p
would love to but no way on earth can get out of my commitments for that day. sorry enjoy
I'm in

I'm guessing the main aim of the evening is to try and organise a bulk buy .... isn't it?

:p :D
So, are we there yet, oh Inebriated Bedouin?
Okay, looks as if we may have enough people for a get together.
Most pubs want to charge a fee for a private room so we may have to chip in a few dollars each if everyone doesn't mind? I am having trouble getting in contact with the functions manager at Worlds End so I will confirm tomorrow as early as possible. If we cant get in then the German Club will be the alternate venue.
If you want to know what is happening perhaps contact me at work on 83004431 or 0414329133.
Sorry but it has been hectic at my place as you could imagine.
Full details will be posted ASAP.


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