A Few Hops And Beer Pics...

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Bottling the Dr Smurto JSGA today... I drank the 400ml or so in the fermenter that couldn't fill a tallie. This beer will be VERY good.

Two tasty cold James Squire Pilsners down in Byron Bay, at the Beach Hotel

Our POR hops, just over 3 weeks old. Growing on the balcony in a 90L pot

First draft of our bottle labels

Just wanted to share. Cheers guys :icon_cheers:
trevc, a pot like that on the balcony of a Surfers Paradise apartment could have a horticulturally challenged neighbour calling the boys in blue. Congratulations on the transition into mash brewing. And just in case you were worried in any way about that 400 ml you couldn't fit in a tallie, drinking from the fermenter is a sign of good things to come.
:lol: Lovin' the kisses on the fridge, Trev
Good on ya Trev, looks like no-one noticed you brewing all the way up there :D I get the impression there's a story behind the label?
Goomboogo: Thanks. Luckily we're facing the river instead of Cavil Ave. The hops haven't taken over the wall... yet.

Nobody complained about the brewing, but the smell was pretty strong in the hallway. My wife said it was overwhelming as soon as the lift doors opened coming up to our floor :)

Many more brews to come. Hopefully the steam coming off the balcony from a double-batch doesn't scare anyone in to calling the fire department.

Cheers guys.
nice one Trev,
you seem to be making the transition from hobby to obsession quite quickly, what's the tale behind the labels ?

Great to see the POR rhizome I sent you cracking along nicely. I only sent it 5 weeks ago!!! Gotta love that warm soil.

Once it hits its straps your neighbours will complain as they will have lost their view.
you seem to be making the transition from hobby to obsession quite quickly, what's the tale behind the labels ?
The transition from drinking the stuff to brewing it was not a difficult one, especially with the loads of info on AHB. Although, initially I was under the impression a HERMS/RIMS type system was a requirement for brewing. I was pretty excited when I figured out you really only need an old esky, a pot, and flames.

The idea for the name came from the fact that we're up on the 15th in the middle of Surfers. When it's time to brew, the balcony gets converted in to beer mode. We're not allowed any LPG stuff up here either, so we need to keep a low profile. Watching spent grains tumble down to the resort pools 15 below would be amusing, but not wise :rolleyes:

The POR is doing great, thanks gilbrew. I'll be adding a wooden lattice wall for it to climb once it hits the top of the bamboo.

You seem to have the most important bit of equipment a home brewer can have, Trev......a tolerant wife.
Definitely helps! We're both getting tired of bottling too... so, bring on the kegs and taps! Our balcony is going to be sustaining hops, a freezer (with font), and the beer making itself.

Hey Trev when did you plant the POR? I am still waiting for mine to shoot out of the ground and am wondering if I should pot it instead.
You are right about the info on this site, before finding it the most I was doing was throwing in some hops with the kit goo. Now Ive done heaps of partials, 3AG's with the last being a dubbel. Today I am building my Biltong box and will be going to craftbrewer next week to get some advice on a keg set up. Did I mention converting the deep freeze.
Wish my wife so understanding. :D
Label looks tops.
Cheers brad
Hey Brad,

The POR was planted around 3.5 weeks ago, perhaps slightly longer. No more than 4 weeks old. I'm familiar with growing other plants in the Cannabaceae family, so used a similar high quality organic soil mix with perlite(I think it's called) added for extra drainage. They're doing well so far. I hope a 90L pot is enough room for them do give at least a small crop.

I'm going to get the labels printed on adhesive paper soon, gloss finish. Should make things look more interesting :)
Trev with the logo, I reckon you should put the "no additives / no preservatives" bit down the bottom under the quality ingredients thing. At the moment I find it is the first place I look and after that my eye moves off the label to the top right (if this was in a bottle shop, that would mean to the sexy neck of your rival brand lined up next to your bottle). Otherwise I think it's pretty good, makes me think of really rich, strong, dark, old style ales.

Is the painting / artwork some of your own?

Good luck with the hops, and I'm sure your JSGA will turn out delish, in a couple of weeks, there will be none left ;)
Yeah, I was thinking of moving the "no preservatives" part. I can't take credit for the strange painting, I found a series of them via Google images... can't remember how :)

The Smurto JSGA only went 5 days in secondary (at 12C).. then right in to bottles. We're currently out of beer, and have been buying Coopers tallies. Desperate times. We'll crack the JSGA in 2 weeks.