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Here is a photo that was taken at my place today.
I am on a 13 acre property just outside of Canberra.

while getting the camera we were under the assumption that there were two up there on the tree, once the camera was on and using the zoom (about 80meters away) it was obvious there was not two eagles. Father in law managed to get the one shot in before running up there to save the silly cat.

Just to put the photo in comparison abit, the Cat weighs 8kg's and is very stocky.

that is one very big ******* hungry bird :D
cat may have been in serious trouble - the eagle obviously knows its there... but just doesn't give a ****
Nice photo you don't see that everyday. Not a bad size cat. Not sure if the eagle would be fast enough at that distance to catch it.
Looks like he was on the way to becoming a GOOD cat!
We have an eagle living in our area, he stands about 1mtr tall. On some occasions I have seen him pick up snakes off the driveway.

Close up, these birds are awsome, their claws are even more awsome.

Cat is no match...
Also had a visit from this bloke a couple of weeks ago
a Peregrine Falcon


We get a lot of hawks up here, daily the hawks a wedgys visit, but this bloke was a real treat to see.

One stage a few months back we had 6 wedgetail eagles flying around above us
gee the magpies give them a reving
...a Peregrine Falcon...

My favourite bird of prey. When I lived in Saskatoon there was one just off a footpath with a kill. I didn't want to scare it away from its food, so I took a wide berth around it. The little fella put his head down, spread his wings, and hissed at me. I guess I looked hungry. :p I love peregrines.
Dont like cats eh?
As im guessing you ment a GOOD cat because he would have been a dead cat... ?

You guessed correctly!
I have seen way too many cats with dead birds in their mouths. It would be fantastic to see a bird flying away with a cat in his claws.. just once.

That little bug running around in your signature freaked me out at first.. thought I had something on my screen.
You guessed correctly!
I have seen way too many cats with dead birds in their mouths. It would be fantastic to see a bird flying away with a cat in his claws.. just once.

That little bug running around in your signature freaked me out at first.. thought I had something on my screen.

My cats rarely actually get birds, as there is not many tree's around my house but dead ones...
I have 6 cats, what they do catch is mice, rats, rabbits and snakes... all things I do not want around my house!!!
Not bad, but I happen to be lucky enough to have several different species of finch that call my neighbourhood home, double barred ones that look like little owls and black ones with bright irridecent blue heads. It's great when I see them picking bugs off my hop vines, I'd love to get a pick and post it here, alas, they are very timid buggers at the best of times.


i've got tawny frog mouth owls that live in a tree in the school next door and pick off mice and such as they need. schools cutting the tree down tho next week. more than half the tree is dead and is going to fall on my roof if it does fall :(
haha..that is one kickass gutsy (or stupid) cat.

Not bad, but I happen to be lucky enough to have several different species of finch that call my neighbourhood home, double barred ones that look like little owls and black ones with bright irridecent blue heads. It's great when I see them picking bugs off my hop vines, I'd love to get a pick and post it here, alas, they are very timid buggers at the best of times.



Same here Browndog. We have a few families of Superb Fairy Wrens (the blue headed ones) living close to the house. They are great to watch as they jump madly all over the yard, especially first thing in the morning. We also have lots of Double Bar Finches - they sneak under the mesh into the chook shed each day to eat the seed on the ground. There was one day I let 20 out in the afternoon with the chooks. We also get a number of other small birds- Red Browed Finches, Buff Rumped Thornbills, Silvereyes and Striated Pardelotes.

We have two cats. They very rarely touch the birds as there is more than enough mice to keep them occupied.

edit: grammar
My cats rarely actually get birds, as there is not many tree's around my house but dead ones...
I have 6 cats, what they do catch is mice, rats, rabbits and snakes... all things I do not want around my house!!!

Don't kid yourself... that cat would KILL that eagle if he thought he had a chance. that's what cats do. I am not faulting the cat, it's part of his genetic makeup. Cats KILL whatever they can, whereas dogs attack what they are TRAINED to attack.
Not trying to start a debate, I just don't like cats... I prefer birds in my yard.
We have 2 cats, and we live in the scrub. occasionally they will bring in a bird, but lucky for them they are always introduced species, so I am happy with that. I have noticed on many occasions that the cats do climb the trees, mainly the small ones.

One good thing about the cats ( sometimes not so good ) is they always bring home rats and mice.

We have a huge variety of birds here, ranging from Quail, Parrots, Kookaburra's to Eagles.

Not really a cat person, but SWMBO MBO when it comes to the cats.. <_<
Don't kid yourself... that cat would KILL that eagle if he thought he had a chance. that's what cats do. I am not faulting the cat, it's part of his genetic makeup. Cats KILL whatever they can, whereas dogs attack what they are TRAINED to attack.

Don't kid yourself. Dogs are every bit the killer that cats are, it's just that they usually won't do it unless they get together in a pack. Even "cute" pets that would "never harm a fly" can turn in an instant.

My brother in law and I had to kill 4 of his neighbour's dogs (from 3 different neighbours) because they kept "packing" and would come over to his farm to kill his sheep. And yes, he tried to get his neighbours to do something about the dogs before we shot them. One of them was an american eskimo, a small breed, but in the pack he was capable of killing.
Don't kid yourself. Dogs are every bit the killer that cats are, it's just that they usually won't do it unless they get together in a pack. Even "cute" pets that would "never harm a fly" can turn in an instant.

My brother in law and I had to kill 4 of his neighbour's dogs (from 3 different neighbours) because they kept "packing" and would come over to his farm to kill his sheep. And yes, he tried to get his neighbours to do something about the dogs before we shot them. One of them was an american eskimo, a small breed, but in the pack he was capable of killing.

And which do think is a more common occurence? Cats Killing birds in backyards around the world, or packs of killer dogs ravaging the countryside?

I didn't mean to turn this into a "cats vs dogs" thread, or an "I hate cats" thread. If anyone chooses to take offense to my remarks, nothing I can do about it.

Let's turn it back into a "Wow! what a great shot of an amazing bird of prey!" thread, OK?