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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. cozmocracker

    F/s Computer Rack

    here's a couple of pics to wet someones appetite.
  2. cozmocracker

    F/s Computer Rack

    I have a spare computer rack that i was going to turn into a brew stand, now someone else has the chance. You can have this wonderful item for..........a couple of bottles of your finest, what a bargin! Im in Higgins ACT.
  3. cozmocracker

    Biab:dunk Sparging In Second Urn.

    i suspend the bag over the urn (i have a pulley system in place) and then use a jug to pour the water through the bag. i use the bag because i dont have a false bottom or any other means to keep the grain out of the wort, and the 2nd urn isnt big enough for the boil. i hope that clears things...
  4. cozmocracker

    Biab:dunk Sparging In Second Urn.

    i also BIAB using two urns, a 40 ltr one which i use to mash in and boil in, i use the 2nd urn (a 20 ltr one)as a HLT, after mash i lift the bag and then pour the sparge water from the second urn through the bag, i usually aim for 73 to 76 degrees. i hope this helps.
  5. cozmocracker

    Mad Brewers Hoppy Hefe

    i can tell you one thing, finish off a case in a night and expect to wake up in a world of pain! im a fan of the beer but not the aftermath.
  6. cozmocracker

    Crown 40 Litre Water Urn

    I have a crown urn with a concealed element, i had no problems with rolling boil or it cutting out (i thought it could of been more vigorous ) but i have done the mod anyway, i have seen an improvement with the boil and have had no issues. i did the mod probally 2 years ago and to many brews to...
  7. cozmocracker

    'fridge Or Freezer?

    up right freezer for sure, my holds two fermenters easily.
  8. cozmocracker

    Hop Infomation

    Thanks Malted, i did do a search first but nothing seemed appropriate.
  9. cozmocracker

    Hop Infomation

    Well, as always, there seems to be a bit of interest in hops, from hops turning red, when to pick, showing off our hop plant plantations and an endless array of questions. Well browsing through a plant book of mine guess what i stumbled upon.... you guessed it hops turned up. So i thought i...
  10. cozmocracker

    Hop Plants Available

    yes thylacine, the elasser was going great guns until the over abundence of snails and earwigs got to it but its there first year in the ground so im not to concerned about a big crop this year, especially with 4 kg of hops in the freezer :beerbang:
  11. cozmocracker

    Hop Plants Available

    nice one filbert, i reckon thats a good price looking at the pictures of the plants your selling, if you were in canberra i would be adding to my collection of hop plants for sure!
  12. cozmocracker

    Beer Font/tower

    i had two of these taps, i personally didnt like the way they poured, i have since bought 4 of the perlick 525s and couldnt be happier, i hope this helps cheers
  13. cozmocracker

    Lager With Ale Yeast

    Sorry to dig up an old thread but better than starting a new one, im brewing a pilsener today and i am going to be using whitelabs cal ale 001 slurry from an APA im kegging today, RECIPE pils malt 5kg 60min hallertau 45g 15min hallertau 20g 0min hallertau 25g mash at 64 for 90 min 90min boil...
  14. cozmocracker

    Birthday Drinks

    why that would be me! thank you very much and carn the pies!
  15. cozmocracker

    Companion Plants For Growing Hops

    nice chart brewer pete, thanks for posting.
  16. cozmocracker


    wow, that puts my upright freezer to shame, job well done indeed!
  17. cozmocracker

    Which Option For Heating Fermenter During Winter?

    i have an up right freezer with tempmate and an old waterbed heater, does a great job for me.
  18. cozmocracker

    Okay I Know I Sound Dumb But ... Help!

    i dont know how basic you want it but this might help, helped me when i started.
  19. cozmocracker

    Ginger Beer Recipe - Scratch Brew No Kit

    sorry CM2 i wasn't questioning your knowledge or ability, its just that sometimes its the simplest things that get over looked, just as i did! well i hope it has fired up for you now.