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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. lowtech

    Tettnanger Rhizomes For Sale

    Some info HERE Either way they are both nice varieties to have.
  2. lowtech

    Mongrel Weizen Stout

    Sound interesting.The yeast character may be muted by the malt bill maybe?????? Let us know how it turns out you Pioneer. Weizen nigrescens
  3. lowtech

    Colonial Brewing Co. Margaret River

    Is that at DeBortoli? There was a guy called Vin who posted on beer advocate a couple of years back hinting that debortoli was looking at brewing beers.He seemed to be involved.HERE'S the thread Never heard anymore about it until now.
  4. lowtech

    Any One Else Get This?

    2nd that, 14 days in primary for all ales is my standard. Straight to bottle ,no 2ndary.Yeast will clean up diacetyll etc... with a much cleaner slightly more attenuated beer.
  5. lowtech

    Is The Hop Shortage Starting?

    :lol: That the descriptor I'd give to simco hops. Seriously though. I think we should all be growing our own late addition hops and subbing whatever is available(high alpha) from NZ to bitter.
  6. lowtech

    Oettinger Pils Adelaide

    Seems ok to me, on a par with Amsterdam Mariner as a cheaper import lager.Shits on many of the locally produced beers.
  7. lowtech

    Tettnang Or Fuggle Rhizome?

    Thanks for the reply. Stewart Ferguson was the supplier if that helps narrow it down. L.T
  8. lowtech

    Tettnang Or Fuggle Rhizome?

    I have read in various documents and posts around the net that the US grown tettnang is widely considered to be a Fuggle. But THIS document(study at Wye) Has me wondering if My year old Tettnang Rhizome Purchased from Tassie is in Fact a Fuggle instead. "Analyses of essential oil from 16...
  9. lowtech

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    her ya go Ol' Fella LINK
  10. lowtech

    Craft-brewer, Home-brewer, Cheap-skate Or Wanker?

    What a "Wanky" article. After having read it I've decided I'm just a" Traditional Beer Maker" with a keen interest in Malt, hops, yeast , water and the history of melding them into beer.I feel quite lucky to be alive at this period in the history of beer, with all the info and superior...
  11. lowtech

    Need A Straight Answer!

    Straight Answer........ Disregard all the crap on the tin label.If it's an ale yeast brew it @ 18/20c,.... no more or you will get an inferior result.
  12. lowtech

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    Given that this is "Aussie Home Brewer" I totally support that notion. Thirsty, your posts are certainly valuable and insightful to all beer geeks and I (we) gratefully thank you for your input. After reading through all of this thread i have concluded that I am a "fence sitter". I grew up on...
  13. lowtech

    Millmaster Mill

    You may be a top poster, brewer, with good info and heaps of experience to share(bless ya) ;) .............But that is the worst type of rhyming what not that I've seen.It's almost as bad as the butchery that Aussie Hip Hop artists(?) inflict on us under the dubious title of lyrical poetry.
  14. lowtech

    What's The Deal With James Squire

    Yeah I thought it was a little less aromatic the last time I had it(12 months ago at least), still like it though as a nice easy drinker. I like a thinner/drier type ale ,but was severely dissapointed with the golden ale when it came out , big hop nose but an absolute gutless malt backbone to...
  15. lowtech

    RecipeDB - WSA (Willamette Sparkling Ale)

    When you say corn sugar, I take it that's dextrose. Looks like it would be a loverly lighter style ale with plenty of fruity zing. Nice work.
  16. lowtech

    What Makes Megaswill Just So Crap?

    beer is beer. The beer I make is for me and I love it. I also enjoy Macro brew beers as well.Some are better(more enjoyable) than others, but thats my palate speaking. some of the most ordinary beers I've had have been from micro's, due to infection or batch variability.These are the things that...
  17. lowtech

    Who's Your Favourite Aussiehomebrewer Forum Guy?

    Don't you mean GALL Not GAUL, or are you implying that they are French."nez brun"
  18. lowtech

    Im Confused

    As both of you are in the Barossa Valley, could it be an airbourne yeast from all the vines around? Do your infection woes coincide with the fruiting season of the vines? Just a thought.
  19. lowtech


    LINK Sounds interesting! Sort of akin to a cask conditioned pommy ale in essence, except using Euro malt and hops and a lager yeast .wonder if its served on the warmer side or chilled right down?