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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. T

    Tried everything! Infection again!

    A couple of years ago I had an ongoing infection in my conical fermenter. After pulling everything apart for the umpteenth time I found a hairline crack in the 1" coupling between the gate valve and fermenter bottom. Replacing this solved the problem; so it doesn't take much to harbour bacteria.
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    Reducing foaming during heat

    I find flushing my lines at beer o'clock with mild alcohol solution works just as well. There was a problem with mould in my taps until I made up these little booties. They keep the cockies and their **** out.
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    Furry clumps on fermenter

    Don't be frightened of lagers; I've been making them for 15 years. As Dan says, a generous amount of yeast is imperative. Make a simple starter by boiling up 100gm light dry malt in a litre of water then adding your one packet of yeast when cool. That should ferment out after three days and give...
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    Copper Cooling Coil

    Matt, You may have to do both. The tap water here in Perth is 28C in the summer so I have to run a 15metre X 13mm immersion chiller in the boiler which drops the wort to the low thirties over 20 minutes or so then I pump out thru another 15 metres immersed in a 9 litre bucket filled with 4kg of...
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    Fire Extinguishers

    I sent you my phone no. but just noticed your location. Newcastle is more than a quick drive from Scarborough West Aust.
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    Fire Extinguishers

    Hi Perth brewers, I have 4 X 3.5kg empty out of date Co2 extinguishers and an ancient 6kg CO2 bottle free to a good home. A few years ago, there was a guy in Rivervale who would convert these for the home brewers. I don't know if he still does it. I also have about 30 Grolsch bottles and the...
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    Hop suppliers

    It is great that I may be able to keep my lousy few bob here in WA. Many years ago AHB members found a Tasmanian hop farmer prepared to sell to us direct at very good prices. He was close to setting it all up when he had to cancel. he apologised on this forum ,saying that the hop wholesalers...
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    Show us your brewrig

    Thanks Altone. $54 inc. postage!! I feel guilty buying it.
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    Show us your brewrig

    Sorry Augo, that post was meant for Wobbly. I got lost in the myriad of photos
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    Help: hops blocking liquid post

    Next time, contain the hops. I have used the foot of one of my wife's stockings tied and weighted with a hefty stainless steel nut to make sure it sinks, or, if you want to make it more high tech, a couple of small strainers zip tied together to make a hop ball. The sock is the easiest and...
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    Recycling Yeast Cake

    Just a pointer here. I've harvested yeast for many a year, but until I started pressure cooking my containers and ladle, I had quite a few dodgy brews. I save two 100ml bottles and pitch one into a 50L batch if it's fresh. If it's been sleeping in the fridge for months, I'll make a starter so...
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    Soda Water?

    My CO2 bottle is connected to the system with a standard corny keg coupling so I can unplug it from the kegerator and connect to the soda keg direct. That way I don't upset the peace, tranquility and balance of the system or operator.
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    Soda Water?

    When I make up my soda keg, I leave a good gap at the top, probably 3 or 4 litres of space. I charge this up to 300 kilopickles and keep topping it up for 3 or 4 days until the water is saturated. U will find that with a three atmosphere kick behind it, you will get lots of super bubbly soda...
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    It looks like a Brinkmann to me. If not, it's a clone. I purchased one about 30 years ago and used it successfully until I built one using an old steel lined refrigerator (there are pictures somewhere on this forum). The Brinkmann used heat beads and had a large water pan in the base, which made...
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    An internal-keg filtering system

    We had a go at this and found that the caps off some spray paint cans fitted perfectly. I should add that couple i tried were a bit loose; but after cutting down half a dozen, I managed two that did the job. The photo shows the first effort. The second attempt is a lot more professional, but it...
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    Ideas for a Horizontal Hop Trellis

    I have just come back from a couple of months in the EU and saw hops growing wild along three strand paddock fences. They were even noticed threading their way thru blackberry vines, so I dont think they are that fussy.
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    An internal-keg filtering system

    That is the best home brew tip I have seen in ages. I have only one 50L fermenter and I am always dying of thirst waiting for the brew to settle out. I would be interested to know what micron size you are using and whether the flow rate drops off as you work your way thru the keg.
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    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    Pin Lock kegs for Victorians
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    Lion introduces "Tap King" - party keg / growlers

    Ordered 10 off,12g sparklets from ezychargers @$1.20 ea + $10.00 P&P on Monday afternoon. They arrived early Wednesday and I was equipped with three litres of easily portable beer less than an hour later. I reckon I could refill these from a keg and be ready to go in less than 1/2 hour. My only...