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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Will hop vines grow downwards?

    "meristems and strobiles".................****!
  2. M

    The Worst Beer I've Ever Tasted

    The worst beer I've tasted was the half warm swig of one with half a Friday nights party full of ciggie and joint butts in it. Can still taste it and it was over 20 years ago!
  3. M

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    50 x 23 litres...what does that add up to? Way too much methinks.
  4. M

    Sierra Navada Here We Come

    you suck
  5. M

    Hop Help And Inspiration Please

    No chill...of course. Tasted like a cracking APA.
  6. M

    Hop Help And Inspiration Please

    For 20 litres of APA I'd go 20g Magnum @ 60 15g Galaxy @ 30 15g Galaxy @ 10 20g Cascade @ 5 ...but I'm a hop head
  7. M

    Bag Not Draining

    Best BIAB advice I've ever had - grab the bag and shake it above the high water (wort) mark and all the wort will come out within 30 or so seconds. No sky hook/squeezing required. That said I only do 20 litre brews so only 5kg of grain = 10 or so kg to lift.
  8. M

    Boss Of The Year

    Put the money you saved on that gear towards gathering some BIAB all grain gear. You wont be sorry.
  9. M

    The Dangers Of Eyeballing A Recipe

    "What did I learn? It's handy to have a recipe prepared before hand, but at the end of the day doesnt really matter, dealing with issues on the fly is actually quite fun." I havent used a recipe in years. I wing all of mine. Cant be assed with all the paperwork, do enough of that at work...
  10. M

    What Would This System Be Called?

    I'd call it too hard to process at 7pm on a friday night...sorry!
  11. M

    Pouring Bought Beer Into Kegs

    Even dry hopped... nice!
  12. M

    Pouring Bought Beer Into Kegs

    All, (and sundry) Could you theoretically, carefully, pour 2 cases of (insert favourite beer name here) into your corny keg and serve for the next few weeks/days/hours? No no no, not to claim it as your own craftbrew...but just to enjoy it "on tap". Haven't been assed to do a search on this...
  13. M

    400g Of Chinook In 23ltrs

    Gunna taste like lucerne hay mate
  14. M

    Help With Hops

    With Saaz hops (noble variety 3.5%ish AAU) you cant use too much. My current drinking keg full is made of 5kg pale Malt, 250g carapils, then 50g saaz for 60 mins, 15 mins, 10 mins then 5 mins totalling 200grams of hops. Sure its hoppy but not overly so.
  15. M

    Biab Sour Beer

    Made a nice English Pale Ale 3 weeks ago using the trusty BIAB method. Have done 150+ successful BIABs so problems This one was successful beerwise. Grainwise however, I placed my spent grain and bag in a stainless pot and accidentally put a lid on it after finishing the mash...
  16. M

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    I have cascade rhizomes. $20 each incl post. PM me.
  17. M

    Melb - For Sale: All Grain Set Up + Hop Rhizome

    Bury the rhizomes completely dude, they will not be as good the way you have them sticking out of the soil.
  18. M

    Carb Drops Or Sugar

    Could also use dextrose, easily soluble. I also recommend bulk priming. No brainer
  19. M

    Monster Mill-what Gap?

    Just to confirm that variable gap brings same results, I have mine set at 39 thou and have had for 150+ successsful BIABs.
  20. M

    Ag Gear For Sale

    kaboom! A great buy for any budding all grainers!