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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain buy 2018

    1. Fungrel - Simpsons Golden Promise / SPLIT 2. Phonos - Best Pilsner 3. Phonos - Simpsons Maris Otter 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Total 40 bags PALLET 2 - BarretBurtson/Weyermann/Thomas Fawcett etc 1. Fungrel - Weyermann Floor Malted Bo Pils 2. Fungrel - Weyermann Vienna 3. Tony121 - Weyermann...
  2. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy - November 17

    1. n87 - Best Pils 2. Judanero - Best Pils 3. Judanero - Vienna 4. Neal.P - Briess Brewer's Malt 5. FatDrew - Best wheat malt pale 6. Pimpsqueak-Simpsons Golden Promise 7. Pimpsqueak-Best Malt pilsner 8. El Jefe - Best Maltz Wheat Malt Pale 9. Abird89 - Best Maltz Pilsner 10. nifty - Best Malt...
  3. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy - November 17

    PALLET 1 - Joe White/Best Maltz/Simpson/Briess etc 1. n87 - Best Pils 2. Judanero - Best Pils 3. Judanero - Vienna 4. Neal.P - Briess Brewer's Malt 5. FatDrew - Best wheat malt pale 6. Pimpsqueak-Simpsons Golden Promise 7. Pimpsqueak-Best Malt pilsner 8. El Jefe...
  4. phonos

    GIVEAWAY AGAIN INKBIRD IBT-2X cooking digital thermometer

    Looks like a nice bit of gear
  5. phonos

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    The thing that's funny about the response is the whole point of the video is we can disagree about important issues and still have a beer together. Clearly that is a message we need to crush
  6. phonos

    WSB Jan 2017 Monthly Meetup

    Western Sydney Brewers is having its first meetup for 2017 next week. The details are - Where: Brooklyn Pizza, Granville When: 7:30pm 27th January Why: To share some beer (don't feel you have to bring any, there is always plenty!), have a good feed and meet some local brewers. We also have a...
  7. phonos

    Lalvin Dry Yeast For Mead And Winemaking

    What's wrong with ibrew? I bought a sachet of icv okay from them recently and was happy with the quality of the packaging and price.
  8. phonos

    Think I killed some yeast - will it be an issue?

    You're fine, no need to worry
  9. phonos

    Western Sydney Brewers August Meeting 2016

    Our August meeting is on at 7:30 this Thursday night, 1st September, 2016 at Brooklyn's Pizza in Granville. All are welcome, there will be plenty of homebrew.
  10. phonos

    Dry Yeast - how long to store?

    I have >5 year old lalvin 71b stored in a zip lock bag in a fridge that manages to ferment mead up to ~16%abv, so I reckon you should be ok
  11. phonos

    Is This Club Still Active?

    Hey, sorry for not checking here more often... We use facebook to orgainse stuff, check us out there. We have a meeting at Brooklyn pizza in Granville at 730 this Thursday evening, 30 June. Come along ( there will be plenty of beer).
  12. phonos

    Brilliant Ginger Beer

    Buy an hydrometer. Now. And use it. You are at risk of bottle bombs.
  13. phonos

    Lemon and berries in cider and why didn't my cider carb up?

    Pasteurised is OK, its preservatives you don't want
  14. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

  15. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    Panthers was pretty big last time I was there - which part do we meet you?
  16. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    I'll go to Penrith. Thanks mate!
  17. phonos

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    1. Weyerman organic wheat - brewhart 2. Best malt organic pilsner - brewhart 3. Joe White Trad Ale – brewhart 4. Simpons marris otter - SPS 5. Simpons marris otter - SPS 6. Joe White Export pils - SPS 7. Joe White Export pils - SPS 8. Simpsons Marris Otter - MattSR 9. Simpsons Marris Otter -...