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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Danhutch333

    How do you do your all extract brew

    To be honest, I've been thinking a long similar lines myself. Up until now it has been a time thing. I know I can complete an extract brew (from heating the water through to pitching the yeast) in 2hrs. And while I'm doing it I can still manage to keep my 4 & 2 yr old boys occupied. The extra...
  2. Danhutch333

    How do you do your all extract brew

    Carniebrew - Thanks for the reminder on your thread. I remember seeing that when you first put it up for discussion. I've been away from AHB for a while and forgot it was there..... then I messed up my search before I posted my thread :unsure: There's some really good info in there. pcmfisher -...
  3. Danhutch333

    How do you do your all extract brew

    Thanks for the replies gents. Nice to know I'm tracking a long the correct path. Fermentation temps are rock solid. I've got a freezer set to a thermostat and can make the temp what ever I want. Add a heater belt if it looks like it will be too cold. Fair point on adding the make up...
  4. Danhutch333

    How do you do your all extract brew

    Hi All, I've been putting down all extract brews for the last year or so. I'm not far away from giving BIAB a go but I'm still keen to learn everything I can at each stage a long the way. At the moment I feel like my learning curve has stalled a little so I'm putting this quesetion out there...
  5. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

  6. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    For the moment I'm using this to get rid of my remaining kit cans but the plan is similar to your suggestion. Get a partial prepared at home and make up the difference with some DME up here. My roster? It's pretty good. 2 on, 2 off, 2 on, 4 off. Repeat. I can start fermenting as soon as I...
  7. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    Just noticed my phone's predictive text mistake. Insure should've read as "on site"
  8. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    Not off topic at all. My reverse cycle air con NEVER stops. 20c in my room, round the clock. I could make it lower but it seems really silly to be wearing winter clothes when it's summer weather outside. Carbon footprint= more than it should be.
  9. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    Well I'm back insure with all the gear and the first FIFO brew is bubbling away. :D
  10. Danhutch333

    Unscented Sodium Percarbonate Brands - Definitive Answer

    Keg King +1. Stocked at LHBS in Spearwood, WA.
  11. Danhutch333

    First Brew Done... Some Ideas On What Went Wrong?

    This brewing caper is a slippery slope. There's always something new to learn. Upgrading the yeast is a great idea. Then have a look at the threads on making yeast starters. Down the track, harvesting your healthy yeast is a great way of saving a few dollars but I am getting ahead of this...
  12. Danhutch333

    First Brew Done... Some Ideas On What Went Wrong?

    Dodgy yeast? Not enough viable ones when you first pitched them. Thats just a guess though. Check the exp date on the packet.
  13. Danhutch333

    Spent Grain In Compost

    That's a fair point. I do make sure it is mixed through with the rest of the worm farm contents.
  14. Danhutch333

    Spent Grain In Compost

    Straight into the worm farm at my place. The liquid helps the process. Put a bucket under the drain tap to catch any excess liquid. Hey presto, (almost) instant liquid fertilizer for which ever plant has the need.
  15. Danhutch333

    Brewing Is Contagious

    Well, the brew day went as planned. Our family birthday BBQ finished up around 4 in the afternoon because the kids got tired. Leaving just my brother and his family remaining. His "family" present turned out to be an All Extract kit of Rogue - Dead Guy Ale (my wife was amused, mostly because it...
  16. Danhutch333

    Brewing Is Contagious

    It's amazing how enthusiasm for just about anything will bring people out of the woodwork. I've been travelling along my brewing road for 8 - 10 months and would have to say that I'm fairly excited about the journey. I've made a few fine beers and some not so fine. I've discovered a bunch of...
  17. Danhutch333

    Cleaning The Cube

    I was thinking of it when I made up the post title. I'm glad the reference didn't go unnoticed. B)
  18. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    HA HA. Up here a good beer costs $80+ a carton. I think I'll brew my own.
  19. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    The camp is set up pretty well. I've got a kitchenette in the room with a sink, some utensils, fridge and a microwave. All of which will make brewing easier in some way. It's also 30 minutes from the Gas plant where I work so we can "get away" with a bit more than those (at other...
  20. Danhutch333

    Fifo Brew Rigs

    I've been working FIFO for 5 years and finally find myself in a position where I will be returning to the same place each time. Upside - Now I can keep enough equipment at camp to begin brewing up here as well as at home. The time constraints are challenging - 13hr days with no days off while...