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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    anyone live around the hunter valley?

    Looking for advice on sourcing apples or even better - places that I can fill my fermenter with fresh juice. I live in branxton and haven't had much luck searching on my own without driving to Sydney (or worse).
  2. L


    Bribie, I've made several full batches of apple blackcurrant cider. It's worth a try. Most (but not all) blackcurrant flavour and even colour either gets eaten or gets lost when racking as it sorta just falls out of suspension. Adding 2 bottles to a full batch wouldn't do much, flavour-wise.
  3. L

    brigalow brewing yeast alcohol tolerance?

    this was in my early days, before i cared for procedure etc., I just threw together what i had in the cupboard at the time. if the yeast tolerance was roughly 10% then the mead i have would be roughly 10%. I'm far from expecting specific answers here. but from memory i used a similar ratio of...
  4. L

    brigalow brewing yeast alcohol tolerance?

    Last April i put down a mead with el cheapo ingredients just to see what mead tastes like. It finally cleared this week. the og was well off the charts for my hydrometer but it had so much honey in there we can safely assume the alcoholic content is as high as my cheap yeast can tolerate...
  5. L

    Malternatives And Faux Spirits

    Not too long ago I tried this with considerable input (and material!) From mhb. I used dextrose with champagne yeast with nutrient and racked after a few weeks onto carbon and swirled the fermenter every day (being careful not to shake.) For another week. I bottled a carton's worth as is with a...
  6. L

    Bns Ball Saturday - No Glass Allowed

    Was my first, so can't tell you what is "normal", but it was pretty good actually. My mates told me the amount and quality of girls was abnormal. Was meant to be their last but we're gonna go again!
  7. L

    Bns Ball Saturday - No Glass Allowed

    Thanks guys! Just got a text from a work mate, we've split up tips so I've got $130 waiting at work for me. Might go to Dan Murphy's and try something new, canned, or may even get a Heineken keg just for something different. I plan to be camping a bit this summer so this info still might be handy.
  8. L

    Bns Ball Saturday - No Glass Allowed

    My missus and I split up a day or two ago and my mates are making me go to a bns ball in some place called monkerai as apparently there are more fish in the sea. Unfortunately I don't like fishing. Or country music. Or (I assume) their **** line up of beers or even worse spirits (can't stand...
  9. L

    Is There A 'how To Cider' With A Beer Brew Kit Faq?

    Bulmers don't have sediment... only bottle conditioned cider I can think of is that old rosie one you can get in 500mL or even 2L from Dan Murphy's
  10. L

    Is There A 'how To Cider' With A Beer Brew Kit Faq?

    Just use cling wrap + rubber band over the bottle, save like $30-50 or whatever that kit costs
  11. L

    Is There A 'how To Cider' With A Beer Brew Kit Faq?

    Rekorderlig etc clones will require a buttload of artificial flavours. Sweet cider is very difficult to make when using bottles (I assume you're bottling) because most sugars you want in a brew, will completely ferment out ("turn" into alcohol and CO2). The easiest option is to back sweeten in...
  12. L

    Crown Lager

    Gift them to a megaswell drinker on some random occasion.
  13. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    Google maps gives me a "hit" at a cafe about 25mins drive for Harris farm markets, but that's probably unrelated. The closest confirmed by the Harris farm website is over an hour away in a direction I rarely go during "office hours". I might try a small batch with crushed ginger. Crushed has...
  14. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    My beer in fermenter at the moment (from memory): 6.4 L batch, OG 1.056 400g ginger, grated 530g raw sugar. or was it brown sugar? Can't remember, 250g honey 1 cinnamon stick, crushed 1 lemon, juiced, and approx 50% zest 1 lime, same 1 orange, juiced US-05 Chucked zest, sugar, ginger, cinnamon...
  15. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    I'm aiming for a dry ginger beer. Sort of like dry ginger ale. Or as close as one can get with ginger, water, yeast, and sugar. I think I mentioned earlier that I've made kit and bits before... and everyone that tried it loves it. Too sweet and murky looking for my tastes.
  16. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    I found one in sawyers gully but it's really not worth a trip out for small batches. I don't have the liberty of storage space if I were to buy more than a kilo or so.
  17. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    I'll keep them in mind, but this is just to get a taste. If I like it, better ingredients next time. Edit: ginger reply! Is that like crystallized buderim? If so, how would you add it in? Just chuck in boil?
  18. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    Thanks for the links, that clears up my ratio questions. I'll be using 585g in a 3.5L must, to later rack into two 1.5L grolsh bottles with different adjuncts. What about supermarket honey? Beechworth *looks* better for price but there's always honey from "organic" sources in health food...
  19. L

    Two Unrelated Questions - Mead & Ginger

    I'm going to make a dry, sparkling mead tomorrow, but I'm not sure what ratio of honey to water I should use for an sg of approx 1050 for about 7.5% (correct?). I've looked online but either my searching skills are terrible or the only sources are imperial and not very precise, ie."for a dry...
  20. L

    Ginger Beer Not Carbonating

    Was it kit brew or similar? I made a kit and bits batch that took well over 2 weeks to carb. It was my first time using a new second hand bench capper so I was afraid seals weren't complete, but it came good after a month or so.