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  1. W

    coffee plunger for hops

    It's a Williamswarn Personal Brewery. Does everything post boil in the one vessel. Temperature Control, Fermentation, Cold Crash, Carbonation, Clarification and Dispensing. Wobbly
  2. W

    coffee plunger for hops

    That's right I pressure ferment and consume from the same unit which is a temperature controlled conical pressure vessel and I don't want/wish to open the fermenter at the end of fermentation and expose the beer unnecessarily to oxygen Wobbly
  3. W

    coffee plunger for hops

    Standard procedure for adding "hop juice" to the fermentor to up the flavour profile post boil and prior to commencement of fermentation in the system that I have/use. Cheers Wobbly
  4. W

    What's with the PC ********?

    Well to keep the PC **** going they are now wanting to call the Big Man "Person Christmas" for **** sake What are they going to do about/call "Mother Nature" Wobbly
  5. W

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    Well I'm sure that I will get it for posting this but here goes!!!! The standard procedure in the WilliamsWarn Systems call for setting the variable pressure relief valve (VPRV) equal to a setting that will hold around 1.5 bar (20psi) and allow the yeast activity to build to and hold at that...
  6. W

    Lauter Helix.

    BDD's use in the video of a connector on the end of the spring that would then slide into the Tee piece would be a good option as a permanent addition as it would make installing and removing the helix a breeze Wobbly
  7. W

    Lauter Helix.

    Hmmm Must be something wrong with my set up somehow as I have mine configured the same as Coalminer in a 20lt Brau and have used it twice and it takes for ever to drain like maybe an hour. I use about 100g of pallets free in the boil, add brewbrite 15 mins before end of boil, chill to under...
  8. W

    A grope among the gum trees.

    Re the above post Couldn't have put it better myself Don't mind a bit oif humor but have no time for those that prey on little kids or the vunerable However this reported stuff by ABC/Fairfax making unsubstantiated claims is just plain wrong. Trial by social media Cheers Wobbly
  9. W


    Not knocking it and whilst being a lot cheaper and DIY build but from my reading the iSpindle is still a work in progress in a number of areas/features and I think you have to use the developers web site/cloud for data storage and if this is the case if/when that goes off the air temporarily or...
  10. W


    Yeh I have seen that one and been in touch with him but it looks like it is the original/first release model where as the current ones have improved battery life, and sensitivity etc. When I asked why he was selling it he didn't respond to that part of my inquiry so I don't know if there...
  11. W


    Bump the above post re suppliers of the Tilt In Australia Anyone Wobbly
  12. W


    Does anyone know if there is another supplier in Australia besides Brewmart in WA as they are currently out of stock Cheers Wobbly
  13. W

    Review my wiring

    Sound and Safe Logic tells me that the main power to the control box should be via a mechanically operated full current switch and not a control voltage relay operation. Otherwise you risk not being fail safe if something goes wrong with the 12vdc circuit/equipment and you need to isolate in an...
  14. W

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    Horses for courses I guess but I (and others) ferment in our WW's starting with the VPRV (Spunding valve) set to control at 1.5bar (21psi) and wort temperature at 23C and allow the pressure to build up over the first 24hrs and under these conditions a 1040 Ale beer using US-05 or Nottingham...
  15. W

    Counter Pressure Bottle filler (CPBF) techniques.

    I had an issue with foaming using the CPBF that came with my WW unit and to reduce/stop foaming when bottling they recommend to have the fermented beer at close to 1 or 2C (bottles can be at ambient temp) and set/hold the pressure in the fermentation chamber at around 1.5 bar (20psi). If/when...
  16. W

    Smoking Meat...

    For those that missed the Aldi smokers have a look at the Jumbuck Gas Smokers/units at Bunnings for $198. They are a two door style very similar to the Aldi units Cheers Wobbly
  17. W

    Full Volume Boil

  18. W

    Full Volume Boil

    What are the advantages of doing a full vol boil vs say only 75% and topping the fermenter up to required final vol with cold tap water apart from the top up water having not been boiled and is that an issue in any event Lower vol would require less energy input or more vigorous boil Cheers Wobbly
  19. W

    Rolling boil

    Unless your support feet are "insulated" from the frame you will also be conducting heat away from the kettle when trying to boil Wobbly