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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Z

    Liver Problems

    I did the liver cleansing diet about three years ago - not strictly though - cause I was still drinking. However - I felt so good I was jumping out of my skin. I wouldn't do it for any more than three months though (boring...) My liver function improved through that time - but not...
  2. Z

    Immersion Chiller

    Go here to find out more about stainless, its properties, applications, and suppliers. And by the way stainless can be annealed - but it will always be harder to bend than copper. And it doesn't conduct heat as well as copper.
  3. Z

    Thermostat Control

    barls beat me to it - that's exactly what this is - and they work very well. Best to use a thermometer in the fridge to monitor and calibrate temp's though.
  4. Z

    Potential Oxidation Drama's

    Thanks guys - another thing to be put into the memory banks and hopefully not removed by the next beer......
  5. Z

    Potential Oxidation Drama's

    I was racking to the secondary today to begin the lagering process. I think I followed good process using a poly tube from the primary fermentor into the secondary - coiled at the bottom of the other fermentor. When I turned on the tap - there was stuff all beer coming out - certainly not...
  6. Z

    Aerating The Wort

    Thanks guys - I appreciate your feedback.
  7. Z

    Aerating The Wort

    Happy days!! 11 years after I last put a brew down I've bought a new fridge, put the old one in the garage, topped up the equipment, and am ready to start brewing again!!!! I'm planning to put a lager down this weekend. A question for the wise and worldly out there - does anyone use an...