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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. N

    Canadian Brunette

    Sorry for such a late reply!! Not sure on the malt. My local brew shop sells it packaged. I'll ask him next time I'm in. I have one in the system at the moment with Saunders Malt Extract fom Coles. I'll let you know how that goes as well. I'm a big fan of keeping it simple. I have...
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    Canadian Brunette

    Sounds like a good brew. Let me know how it goes, I'm interested in experimenting with this one!!
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    Canadian Brunette

    Recently I asked for advice on improving a simple 'Supermarket Goo'. I have to thank everyone for their help and input, as the end result has been my best home-brew to date. For anyone interested I have listed the recipe, I can of Canadian Blond 500 grams of liquid malt 500 grams of dex...
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    Two-can Coopers Mexican

    Hello Gronkster!! Good to see ya having a crack at everything amber!! Didn't think the Mexican was for you!! Your favourite style of beer is chewed rather than swilled, with more organic matter than a hay bale!! See you at the Jam!! I'll bring a spoon!!
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks to everyone for their great advice. I have a whole heap of ideas to trial now. Last night I made a Canadian Blond with 500grams of Dex, 500 grams of liquid malt. I also used a decent yeast from a brew shop fridge, and steeped 25 grams of hops. I'll keep ya' posted!!
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Well, I'm going to make another Canadian Blond with better Yeast and the Saunders Malt to see how that goes. How much dex should I put in with it?? I have a BH1 and a 500gm packet of #10 in the cupboard, would any of these be any good or should I look at something else? Not too sure of how...
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Sounds good. I have a mate at Cloverlea who started brewing around the same time as me. He makes a good Coopers Sparkling Ale style, but has also had some 'local' issues with supply!! Happy to get together to talk beer and sample a few!! Good idea.
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks Russ, I'll do just that. Do you buy your gear from Yarragon or on-line?? I think I might need to learn a bit about steeping grain!!
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks everyone. Some great advice and well worth the post. Now, back to the beer......................................................
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks for your help, but I'm actually asking how do I improve my beers and still keep it simple. I don't even know what LDME is!! Yes I can make tea....and coffee too!! But to me a steep grain is one on a hill!! Thanks for your help, but please understand I am new to this, and have posted...
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks for that, I'll look it up.
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Thanks for that, but I really want to keep it simple. I know by doing that I will never have a magnificent beer, but I'm really just trying to improve on the basics. I like the idea about the different Yeast, can you tell me more about additives in lieu of dextrose??
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    Supermarket Goo Trials!

    Well, It's been six months now since I first started my home brewing. A mate of mine got me into it, and he always made a good simple easy drinking 'Homie' with no fuss. My aim is to brew the same way. He lives in Brisbane, I live in country Victoria. Our brews will always be different, so I...
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    Washing New Pet Bottles

    OK, I'm gunna bite the bullet and go with NO cleaning. I'll let you all know how things went!! Thanks for all your input.
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    Brewcraft Cascade Premium Kit

    Just cracked open my first bottle from this kit. Made it as per the instructions and let it sit bottled for just over a month. There was a distinctive sulphur smell during the first couple of days of fermentation, but this didn't last long. The end result is an easy drinking beer that is well...
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    Washing New Pet Bottles

    Thanks guys, I usually use glass stubbies but I'm running a bit short. I have used PET in the past and washed them. I'm looking at two new boxes and thinking should I bother washing them or not. For all your info, the caps are in a sealed bag!!
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    Washing New Pet Bottles

    Thanks for that. I'm thinking I should give them some sort of sanitation!! That's common sense I guess, I'm more interested in knowing if I actually have to or not!! Are they sanitised and sterile in the box??
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    Washing New Pet Bottles

    Can anyone tell me if it's safe to bottle into PET bottles straight from the box? I'm not sure if they need to be cleaned first.
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    Cascade Premium Kit....any Good?

    Wow!! Sound great!! Thanks for that.
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    Cascade Premium Kit....any Good?

    Thanks for that, do you have any good recipes for a tassie style premium beer??