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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Salt

    Split Batches...Ideas

    Hello fellow brewers... I have a dilemma, along with a possible solution, and would like some suggestions please. The dilemma is that I dont brew nearly enough and that I have a list of Beers that are screaming at me to brew, but I just cant justify brewing them, when I need my standard APAs...
  2. Salt

    STC replacement probe - Waterproof

    Hey all, I have done some looking around, but cant find an easy solution. I would like to hook my HLT up to my STC-1000, but would like to have the probe submerged in the Water. I am not 100% convinced that the stock probe is water-proof and would like to replace it with one that is. Do any of...
  3. Salt

    Carbonation issue

    Hey all... I might be jumping the gun a bit as its still early days with my bottles, but its not normally an issue at the same stage with previous brews. I have a India Red Ale that I bottled 2 weeks ago. I always pop one or two bottles in a warmish place to carb up a bit quicker than the rest...
  4. Salt

    Imperial Stout water:grain ratio question

    Hey guys, Im planning on brewing an imperial stout based on a recipe I have for Great Divides Yeti Imperial Stout. However when plugging my recipe into Brewmate, I am getting some weird figures for Sparge volumes and temps. I have a 45Lt chilly bin Mash Tun, so should be able to squeeze it all...
  5. Salt

    My Process - Fermentation

    Hey all, Have approximately 8 or so AG batches under my belt and am fairly happy with my process in terms of Brew day etc...However have some questions about my process in terms of Start of Fermentation through to bottling... Feel free to suggest ways to improve, tell me what Im doing wrong or...
  6. Salt

    Sunshine Coast Holiday - Help

    Hey team, Well the pregnant Wife and I are off on holiday (which I am told is called a babymoon!?) to the sunshine coast to escape the cold weather in NZ. We fly into Brisbane, but are staying 9 nights up in Mooloolaba and 1 night back in Brisbane before we fly out. In any case, whilst I am...
  7. Salt

    Hopburst Apa Suggestions

    Hey all, I have a base recipe sorted for an APA I wish to brew this weekend, however have a bunch of Hops on hand and am not sure what combos would work well together...I would like to do a Hopburst APA so at least three different hops in combination from maybe 20mins onwards... I have the...
  8. Salt

    Croucher Pale Ale

    Hey brewing folk... Does anyone have a fair attempt or some insight into a recipe for Crouchers Pale Ale? Im too new to the game to be able to pick out malts and hops, although im sure I have read there is a bit of NZ Cascade in there, but not sure what else? Couldnt find Jack on the google...
  9. Salt

    Racking Onto Vanilla And Bourbon Chips

    Hey all, Just after some advice please. I brewed a fairly simple Porter (OG 1.056) on Saturday, which I intend to turn into a Vanilla Bourbon Oak Porter... I have two Vanilla Pods, and about 60g of Wild Turkey Bourbon Chips Soaking in enough Wild Turkey to cover the Chips. I plan to let the...
  10. Salt

    Homebrew Shop In Perth

    Hi all... Sorry if this has been asked before, but I am after a relatively quick answer. I have a cousin from Perth coming to stay with us here in NZ for a few weeks and would love it if she could bring some hops back with her. Namely the ones we cant easily get here, i.e. Citra and Galaxy. I...
  11. Salt

    Ipa Recipe Advice

    Hi guys, I am about to put down an American IPA...I have the grain bill all sorted and milled and am using the C Hop Blend, which I got from a supplier here in NZ. Not sure if you guys have it in Oz or not, but here is a brief description... "New for 2012: A Hop Union blend of US grown hops...
  12. Salt

    Recipe Advice

    Hey all, Relatively new to Grain brewing and have always followed a recipe... Just playing around with Brewmate and trying to come up with my own recipe based on what I have got. Please let me know if this sounds ok or not...I am not 100% sure of which hops go well together, but the following...
  13. Salt

    What To Buy...

    Hey all, Well im currently on the path into AG and have done 2 Stove Top BIAB and have my ingredients ready for brews 3 and 4. All going well so far. However relatively limited with my gear. Currently using a 19Lt Pot (which i measured and is actually only 16Lts FFS)...Swiss voile bag, chill...
  14. Salt

    Quick Bottle Filler Pale Ale

    Well im currently two Stove Top BIAB brews into my move to AG and really enjoying a)the learning and b)the extended and fun brew day... Have a 1 BIAB conditioning atm, and another halfway through fermenting... However I need some bottles filled soon as I have run out of drinking beers, so...
  15. Salt

    Cube Question...

    Hey all, just a quick question. I have just started the move to AG, having done two 9Lt Stove top BIABs thus far. One thing I dont like doing (little patience) is cooling my pot in the Laundry Tub down to pitching temp. I am going to eventually make an immersion chiller to help speed up this...
  16. Salt

    Anyone Used/made One Of These

    Hey team, Sorry if this has been posted, but just stumbled across this whilst researching my Immersion Chiller build... Whirlpool Immersion Chiller Looks pretty sweet...
  17. Salt

    Need A Quick Bottle Filler

    I need to put down a quick brew so I can get some bottles full and drinking asap...have plenty of other brews in various stages of planning/conditioning etc, including the move to BIAB. However need some drinking material! I have heard the Coopers Aus Pale Ale kit can be done up to make a nice...
  18. Salt

    Astringency Flavour

    Hi guys, Just after some advice on possible (well I think a definite) astringency flavour to my brew. Brew is still in fermenter but taste from samples today when taking Gravity readings. The taste is somewhat sour, but leaves a dryness to the tongue. It has the same taste/feel as grape...
  19. Salt

    Porter Idea

    Hey all, after some advice if I can... I would like to brew a Vanilla Bourbon Porter from kit/extract and was after some ideas/advice. The only Porter kit I have seen here in NZ is Cascades Choc Mahogany Porter - dont know of any others. Would this work as my base, or would the choc flavours...
  20. Salt

    Wort Cooling Idea

    Hey all, thought I would share this after I was watching some BIAB videos on youtube... Towards the end of the video (collection of photo's)...they use a way of cooling the kettle I hadnt seen before. Excuse this if you have seen it before, but since I hadnt I thought I would share. I...