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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. thedragon

    FS: 40L Crown Urn. $200 [Melbourne]

    For sale, 40L Crown Urn, concealed element. With ball lock tap. Pickup in Albert Park, Vic. $200 In excellent condition. Only ever used for brewing (BIAB) and carefully cleaned after each use. Has not been used to house contaminants such as tea or coffee ;-) If you're new to BIAB I've got a...
  2. thedragon

    2014 Tasmanian International Beer Festival

    2013 was my first Tassie Beer Fest. Wasn't quite sure what to expect. Was it going to be full of bogans out just to get pissed? The festival ended up being one of the best weekends away on record. Civilised. Beautiful weather (although that's not to be guaranteed). Great beer. But mostly...
  3. thedragon

    FS Melb: 9.5L AEB Keg ($115)

    9.5L AEB keg for sale. Used only once. As new. I bought the keg as part of the bulk buy that DaveHQ recently organised. Sadly the keg is millimetres too tall to fit in my keg fidge. I paid $115 for the keg and would like to sell it for the same. Pick up in Albert Park Vic.
  4. thedragon

    Cocko in Europe

    Anyone else been wondering what Cocko's been up to in Europe? Probably something like this: Smashing back pints. Talking BS. Tuneing women. Talking more BS. Going home alone. If you've got different ideas, then share your thoughts here. And Cocko, if you see this, feel free to update us.
  5. thedragon

    A happy ending at work: workplace masturbation I love this reader comment about the article: "I am definitely for it. At my place of work there is certainly no shortage of ******s."
  6. thedragon


    Anyone else watching the ODI between Australia and England in Brisbane tonight? What a massive performance be James Faulkner! 69 runs off 47 balls. 20-odd off the last 7 balls. Brilliant performance. We were no chance of being competitive until Faulkner came in: he's gotta be man of the...
  7. thedragon

    2013 Tasmanian International Beerfest

    Anyone going?
  8. thedragon

    Kegging options where space is limited

    After being given approval to install a keg setup six months ago by swmbo I've felt like a failure for not having done so. The only limitation is space. We live in inner city Melb with a small kitchen / living area and low-ish bench tops. The best I can fit under the bench is a 7000mm high bar...
  9. thedragon

    TV commercials: beer

    Apologies if a similar thread already exists. Nothing came up in the forum or google searches. Beer companies have plenty of $ to come up with ads. The generally fall in to the categories of expensive, creative or crass. This one falls in to the crass category Post your favourite beer ads!
  10. thedragon

    Free bottles (24-ish): Melbourne

    Hi I'm starting to get rid of my collection of larger crown top bottles: I've taken to the smaller 330ml stubbies. There's many more full, but here's what I have empty at the moment: * 14 x Phoenix lager 650ml crown tops. Awesome quality bottles, very strong 620g (compared to 380g CUB...
  11. thedragon

    Old Beer Can Colection - Free To A Good Home

    Hi Doing a clean up at home and I've come across a collection of old beer cans and bottles - some unopened. Photos below. I inherited the collection from my dad, who got them from his dad. For sentimental reasons I'd like to keep them, but they've been in a box for a few years now and I really...
  12. thedragon

    Hallertau Hersbrucker V Hallertau Mittelfruh

    Tomorrow I will put down a strong Belgian blonde ale based on the "Lefty Blonde" recipe from Brewing Classic Styles (p. 234). I'm aiming for a blonde ale, but have changed the grain bill slightly to match the ingredients that I have on hand. I will use the BIAB method and no chill. The recipe...
  13. thedragon

    First Ag Baib: Taste Test

    After 4 weeks bottle conditioning I opened and tasted the first bottle of my first AG BIAB today. Before we get in to the taste test, let's give credit where credit's due. NickJD, after reading your BIAB for $30 bucks article and a few PMs you were kind enough to respond to, on 24 Sept I put...
  14. thedragon

    First Extract: Recipe Ideas Sought

    Please forgive me if this sounds stupid..... I've finally built up the courage to move on from K&K and have brought a random collection of ingredients from G&G. Looking through the recipe DB I've come up with the following: 300g crystal malt steeped at approx 75 deg for 40 mins 20g Amarillo at...
  15. thedragon

    To Boil, Or Not To Boil?

    Fellow brewers, I'm new to the brewing game and am building experience with K&K brews. I now have 13 brews under the belt with 7 batches consumed and the remainder still secondary fermenting. All are drinkable but I am still learning with each batch. I've been listening to a number of...
  16. thedragon

    Chilli Beer - Recipe Ideas Sought

    Fellow brewers, I've recently been introduced to home brewing by friends and am now looking to get a little adventurous (well for me anyway) after increasing success with a number of K&K brews. I love beer and I love chilli - I'd like it more if I could enjoy both at the same time. I'm...