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  1. dblunn

    Kingys herms Build Thread

    I have a similar HEX with a 3kW element and every brew day at some point I forget to pause the PID controller when swapping hoses or something else that halts the flow through the HEX and yes, it starts spitting at me. My plan to combat the forgetfulness is rather than just shut the valve off is...
  2. dblunn

    James Squire Amber Ale

    Hi Sascha, I have not made this recipe but my guess would be in the last 10 - 15 minutes of the boil. Dave
  3. dblunn

    Old starter

    I think it will be fine to pitch. 11 Days is not all that long, some will have died off but as long as you had plenty of viable cells to begin with then there shouldn't be any problem. Dave
  4. dblunn

    Cheap fridges/freezers for temp controlled brewing

    Get a couple of them, you can always ditch the non-goers at the metal recyclers on Yawal Rd for free. The tip will charge you to dump a fridge. Dave
  5. dblunn

    Will 25kg grain fit in a 30L drum?

    I don't think so, it takes me 2 x 25L re-sealable Bunnings buckets to hold a bag of malt. If the price is ok then buy more of them. Dave
  6. dblunn

    what did I get wrong?!?

    Wouldn't be 10g of sugar in a solution of 1kg total mass (1% w/w). There will be a liuttle bit less than 1L of water. Dave
  7. dblunn

    Beersmith 2

    Hi, I have attached a file from my setup which is basically half of what you are brewing, ie 40L batch but brewed to 2 17L cubes then add 3L when fermenting a 20L batch. Load it into your system and see what it looks like, you can save the equipment profile and compare it to yours. Dave
  8. dblunn

    Beersmith 2

    Not much help but I use the fermenter top up water value in the equipment profile and it works for me so there must be some other setting causing the problem.
  9. dblunn

    m3taL's Homebraumeister build

    Hi m3tal, did you use backing gas or did you have to grind out the crap on the back of the weld before did the backing run? Dave
  10. dblunn

    Old Coca-Cola Kegs

    Hi, you just need to replace the small o-ring on the PRV. There is a mob in Melbourne who sells parts that I have used in the past, I bought a bag of 10. ( also this mob also sell them...
  11. dblunn

    Low OG ( again I know)

    Not used it but information gleaned from respected sources such as Palmer, Zainasheff and others. The biggest issue seems to be the amount of Na added. Might not be an issue if the water is low in minerals anyway as in your case.
  12. dblunn

    Low OG ( again I know)

    Probably not, you can be honing a lot other process variables first. Water chemistry is fine tuning, if your water is good like it is on most of the east coast then it will work ok. The biggest thing I have noticed with fixing the Ca level (other than the pH numbers in the mash) is my beer seams...
  13. dblunn

    Low OG ( again I know)

    Bugger, chloride level would be useful as well as calcium and sodium. Dave
  14. dblunn

    Low OG ( again I know)

    Hi Beamer, was the top one chlorine or was it chloride, also did they say the hardness was total hardness? Assuming the chlorine is actually chloride and estimating the calcium level from the hardness (assuming it was total hardness) then my estimate from playing with a spreadsheet is you have...
  15. dblunn

    Low OG ( again I know)

    Hi Beamer, give the 5.2 stabliser a miss as there seams to be a lot of negative comments about its use. What is your water report down your way? Can you tell us your Ca, Mg, Cl, Na, SO4 and alkalinity? Dave
  16. dblunn

    Optimum boil and options

    Yes, 5 L/hr on a 30 L boil is 17%, that is good. Normal range is 10-15%. Dave
  17. dblunn

    IBU and post boil dilution

    If you put the values into a profile and then use that profile to scale a recipe then BS will adjust the amount of hops for you. Dave
  18. dblunn

    IBU and post boil dilution

    Hi, I believe Beersmith does the calcs for you. I do a concentrated boil also (only 6 L short in 40 L though) and playing with values of "top up water" in the fermentation/bottle section (or in your equipment profile) seems to up the hop rate to account for the lower utilisation in the...
  19. dblunn

    Keg King pump rating

    Maybe 1.1A is locked rotor current draw, or maybe they just got the decimal point in the wrong place.
  20. dblunn

    Using up Specialty Grains

    You have a great inventory there, the world is your oyster!. I have just today finished reading Gordon Strong's new book and there was a good recipe using the forbiden fruit yeast, mmm