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  1. davo4772

    Diy Computer-fan Stir-plate Build

    Hey Wolfy, I have the same 5L glass demijohn. What adjustments did you make in order for it to work with the concave bottom? 5L erlenmeyers are a bit expensive. Cheers
  2. davo4772

    Byo Magazine - No Sparge

    I don't think Jamil brews at home much these days. If you listen to the Fullers ESB can you brew it episode he goes into detail about it. Also in the sparging episode of brew strong I think they spend some time discussing not sparging.
  3. davo4772

    Imported Beer Now Available At 1st Choice

    BUL is such a scam. They don't even try to use the same recipe. Thirsty Boy hinted at it in this thread, post number 7. Sounds like they use the local yeast which is used to munching on a bit of sugar to do it's job hence a "special syrup" is required. Bittered with POR and finished with...
  4. davo4772

    Imported Beer Now Available At 1st Choice

    The Promotion doesn't start until tomorrow. Not yet on shelves
  5. davo4772

    FOR SALE: 3 Vessel Rims $1500

    Hello, Apologies for drifting off topic. I am currently flying blindly into building a RIMS system and was about to order a rims tube from stainless stuff. After looking at your RIMS tube am having second thoughts as yours looks very neat and simple. Is the stainless tube threaded and...
  6. davo4772

    Dedicated Rims Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    Have been scouring the interwebs for info re setting up a RIMS. What is the general opinion on low density vs standard elements. A standard element is much cheaper and easier to source. From what I can gather most people use a standard element and with a decent flow rate there is no problem...
  7. davo4772

    Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early December

    1. Manticle: 1 x Simpsons Marris, 1 x Simpsons Golden Promise, 1 x Dingemans Pilsner, 1 x Weyerman Vienna, 1 x Weyerman Munich I, 1 x simpsons heritage Crystal. 2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away 3. Lecterfan - 1xJW Pils, 1xSimpsons Golden Promise 4. Maple - 1 x JW...
  8. davo4772

    Oxygen/equipment Availabilty

    More Beer have the regs back in stock,
  9. davo4772

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    Cheers, just ordered a regulator. Plus some other goodies. Have to make the most of the postage
  10. davo4772

    Diy Computer-fan Stir-plate Build

    Stir bars on fleabay. Ordered a 27mm for A$5.75. Free postage Here No great loss if it turns out to be rubbish.
  11. davo4772

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    It is no longer available. The manufacturer has stopped making them. Here is the email I recieved from fermentap. David, Thanks for the inquiry. The manufacturer of the regulator has stopped making these units, so demand is high and supply is low. We at this moment are trying to find a...
  12. davo4772

    Where To Buy 9l Kegs?

    Am tempted but current beer budget is going into an O2 setup. Someone will go halves. It's about A$327 delivered for 4.
  13. davo4772

    Where To Buy 9l Kegs?

    Got mine here, pretty popular round these parts. Dave
  14. davo4772

    Keeping More Than One Fermenter At The correct Temperature.

    A small fan to circulate the air might help.
  15. davo4772

    Melbourne Grain Bulk Buy - Late Nov/early December

    1. Manticle: several bags of grain 2. Pennywise: Couple of bags & dependant on date as I may be away 3. Lecterfan - at least one bag of base malt and probably a bag o'wheat (or 2 base malts) 4. Maple - 3 base ish, maybe a spec or 2 as well 5. Mxd - (may need somene to pick up for me) 6. Quintrex...
  16. davo4772

    Grain Bulk Buy - Melbourne Area

    I'd be in for a sack.
  17. davo4772

    Expand My Palate - Recommend A Beer

    Some English classics which really worth trying. Any of the fullers beers, particularly the ESB. As mentioned Timothy Taylor pale ale. Samuel smith's brown ale. All those beers have an awesome maltyness as opposed to more hoppy American styles (which are great too)
  18. davo4772

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    Is this reg kit you mean? Cheers
  19. davo4772

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    I work at Sunshine so right under my nose the whole time, cheers.
  20. davo4772

    Bernzomatic Oxygen Cylinders

    Bump. Anyone find one of these in Melbourne??