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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. J

    eBay Items III

    Warning, don't buy it. I've got one just like it, they are not powered, they are simply a large insulated container, with a thick dual wall setup and with sand in the middle. You could possibly insert an element, but it would be a lot of trouble.
  2. J

    Whats Your Favourite Hop

    At the risk of getting flamed, and dragging the thread off topic at the same time, i'm going to nominate the hop i really don't like. And that's Saaz - i've only ever used it in pilsners, and only the NZ variety, but i really don't like the flavour. Hate it in fact.
  3. J

    New Creatures Brew

    I've not tasted this beer, but if it's a more mainstream beer that still has some real taste to it, then i think that's a good thing. The more the general public is educated that a beer actually should have taste the better. The more consumers, the more $$$ available for micro's. You're never...
  4. J

    Kegged Beer Gone Yuck..

    It's not just that all the yeast had dropped out and came out in the first pint is it? Did it clear up on the second pour?
  5. J

    My Promash Has Been Zapped.

    Lindsay - Symantec products suck. They are notorious for nuking stuff - sorry you had to learn the hard way. The import thing is not not use your PC until a qualified person can get to it. The files should be able to be found, if the right person looks at your disk
  6. J

    Do Worms Like Grain?

    I discovered that Rats certainly like grain!
  7. J

    Crown Seal Tallies

    Where abouts in Brisbane are you? Very interested.
  8. J

    Full Ag Setup For Sale

    Sent you a PM brizbrew. Can you contact me if it's still for sale.
  9. J

    Rice Hulls In Brissy?

    Ha ha, i knew you had jinxed yourself! How did the chiller work out?
  10. J

    Fermenting Cabinet (fridge)

    What are you using to maintain the temp?
  11. J

    Check Out These Pumps

    I looked at these a while ago (or something very similar) and contacted the mfgr to see what they thought about pumping hot wort. Their response was "don't".
  12. J

    No-rinse Sanitiser I Bought

    I think i paid $20 for 5L of phos acid (eliminate) nearly 2 years ago. You are supposed to use it at 20ml per 10L of water. I use it much stronger than that to be honest, yet still have some left. It's too early for me to work out, but is that like 0.8c per litre? Plus the contact time is like...
  13. J

    Pure Sodium Percarbonate $3/kg

    Razz -
  14. J

    Hoppy Wheat Beer

    I did a summer wheat recently with a shed load of hallertau added, and fermented with the WL heferweizen yeast. Very nice, although i got some strange looks from friends on first taste.
  15. J

    Why Does The Boil Foam Up When Adding Hops?

    I've always assumed it's because the the hops give a rough surface allowing the formation of bubbles a lot easier. Similar to adding sugar to superheated water
  16. J

    Batz's 50th...

    So Ross, Just how far was Batz's from brisbane after all?
  17. J

    Kegs And Regulators

    Pluto's are all that bad, you just have to learn how to use them. The trick is to squeeze quickly, and release it as quickly as you can.
  18. J

    Who Can Detect Dms?

    You know i don't think i used to be able to taste it. But since giving up the ciggies (well mostly anyway), i'm pretty sure i can pick it up -especially in light lagers. It's don't find it totally disgusting, but it's not a flavour i'd choose to be there. Diacetly on the other hand i can now...
  19. J

    Beer In My Reg

    I'd pull it apart and clean it out, as long as you just use alcohol etc, it should be fine. Having pulled apart my dead reg, i now see there is nothing to them, just a spring, diaphragm and some seals. You could possibly just force up some water and metho the same way you did with the beer...
  20. J

    Is Showering With Your Brewery Going Too Far?

    You know i've considered similar ideas before (the large storage of santiser), while i'm pretty sure taht Phos Acid is stable (and could easily be topped up) i really worry about ending up breedding super bugs that become immune to sanitation.